[Shiozuke ni Shite Hozon] Makura Eigyou Tantou Dougan Commushou Shachiku-kun | The Socially Anxious Baby-faced Corporate Slave in the Whore Department [English]
003 OG: 僕この間も注意したよね TL: "I was there the other day when I warned you, didn't I?" ED: this makes no sense unless he was somehow warning him while not being present
OG: 外回りとかの方が向いてるかなって TL: "I'm more suited to work outside this type..." ED: he's talking about field work
OG: 終業時までに終わらなければそうなるね TL: "You should get started then so overtime ends faster" ED: he's saying that's what happens when it doesn't get done during the work day
004 OG: 染野さん TL: "Somone-san" ED: his name is Someno
005 OG: ついに切れたか TL: "He's finally out of it" ED: he's talking about the guy snapping
OG: いっそ顔が変わるくらい殴ってくれないかな TL: "I wish I could hit him so hard his face gets altered." ED: this line is completely made up, he's not thinking of hitting anyone
OG: そうなったら TL: "When it's like this" ED: if (referring to the prev bubble) not when
006 OG: 親身に面倒みて貰えるのなんて学生のうちだけだからいくら新入社員だからってさ TL: "You can only get away with being taken care of so much when you're a student, so even if you're a new employee..."
OG: イライラする TL: "I'm getting angry." ED: he's not talking about himself
OG: なんで TL: "This is" ED: he's asking himself a question
OG: あと TL: "Ah.." ED: this isn't just an "ah" he's saying actual words
007 OG: 今日は茂部興業の副社長さんもいらっしゃるそうでね TL: "I heard the director of Shigeru Kogyo will be here today." ED: VP not director
OG 座戸木工さんの専務さんこの紹介でね TL: "I was introduced to the managing director of Zato Woodworking." ED: Zato made the introductions
008 OG: 準備はしてあるかな TL: "The preparations have been made." ED: he's not stating it, he's wondering if Someno's prepared