■■■■ ■“色色侵袭”将会收录中短篇的即兴创作(意味着制作会比较简单直接,不会精细),作为一个免费作品的系列长期更新在Pixiv~ ■"Other Dark Age" is a series about impromptu mid-short episodes, and is a long time free series~
■大家可以在P站评论区提出你想要看到的角色/玩法/剧情的脑洞!有可能会被实现哦~注意,请遵守后续的的规则~ ■In the Pixiv comments feel free to give suggestions of what you want to see! Maybe it will come true~ Just keep these rules in mind~
■■■■ ■脑洞提议规则: ■Rule for suggestion:
-没有遵守这些规则的提议将会被删除/屏蔽 -Comment not following these rules are not entertained
-仅在P站评论区【www.pixiv.net/users/17128645】留言的建议有效,E站等其他渠道不被接受。 -Only the suggestion in the Pixiv comment 【www.pixiv.net/users/17128645】 is valid, other channels will not be accepted.
-越优秀越详细的建议越容易被接受,有字数限制可以多次评论,但请不要重复提出一样的内容,在两期不同作品下也不行(但是可以大幅度修改优化过后再次评论)。 -The more excellent and detailed suggestions are more easily accepted, and please do not repeat the same content, and it will neither work in two different works (but it can be greatly modified and optimized and then commented again).
-如果你的脑洞没有被制作,可能是由于随机抽取没有选中,也可能是抽中后XP系统不符合(过于重口的玩法和R18G一般是不会被制作的)。 -Please take no offense if your work is not chosen as I will be using randomizer or my own preference (R-18G suggestions won't pass).
-请尽量选择一年内更新过的角色,早期角色会不太方便制作,如果你不知道那个角色的名字,留下链接即可。 -Please try to choose characters that have been updated within a year, if you don't know the names you may provide description of the characters or provide link.