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Sparks of Passion

Posted:2022-06-19 16:46
File Size:168.5 MiB
Length:21 pages
Favorited:153 times
Average: 4.27

Showing 1 - 21 of 21 images

Posted on 19 June 2022, 16:46 by:   Extyr    PM
Uploader Comment
Here's my first comic. It's a story about milfbots going to an onsen with their owners. Things get competitive and hijinks ensue. This is mostly for technosexuals, so the ending might not be for everyone. They'll still be fine and will return eventually.

That is, if I ever do another comic. This was a year long journey of conflicts with the main artist, hsefra. He was cheap, but I had to pay a supplement in time and frustration. I had to hire someone else (zedeki) to finish the colors and typesetting. He even had to ask hesefra for the files since the guy wasn't even answering me anymore. Anyway, if you value good communication and punctuality, go elsewhere or you will lose your sanity.

The mombots are inspired by Franktonius' character which I was given permission to use.
FRK! Studio gave a hand for the stencils on the mombots.

Eloyas is obviously another of my alias.
Posted on 08 July 2022, 05:57 by:   HSefra    PM
Score +40
Well, I'd rather not comment on it, but I'll - from the first day, you only knew how to mistreat me, curse me as if you want to appear superior and disdaining of my work - whoever worked for you must have gone through the same problems. Calling me a thief from the start! As I needed the payment I had to continue anyway - until I got tired!! but even so, I didn't curse you or mistreat you - I never answered you properly, but I should.

I do not recommend any artist (however needy for work he may be) to accept any commission from this Mr. Eloyas. He will make you regret.

Unlike someone who hides behind a 'alias' I have a name: Henrique Sefra! respect my name and start respecting the people who work for you!
Posted on 29 December 2022, 02:44 by:   Extyr    PM
Score +35
I intended to leave this story behind me, but since the FembotLabs discord server posted a public warning against me over this mess, I will respond.

HSefra's account is false. I approached him politely and he offered something that was too good to be true. He kept making excuses and promises until I got antsy about the comic being finished in the 6 months window for paypal's refund policy. He begged me to not start the refund process, as he had already spent every penny. He barely finished the lineart by the final deadline, when it was supposed to be a complete comic, colors and typesetting included. Still, I let him off the hook. He started the colors and after a month, progress stopped for good.

I made a journal with the conversation around this topic:

I have hired dozens of artists and the vast majority of the jobs concluded without a hitch. Some get pissed at me wanting to keep things inside paypal's refund windows, but it's the first time a commission went this bad. HSefra was indeed a thief, as he refused to send me the .psd files, even though I paid upfront and he agreed to in his final email. I had to ask another artist to finish the job, paying in double for the coloring.

After I posted the comic and the "making of", 2-3 people came out to say they had trouble with HSefra too. Since then, he deleted most of his online presence: patreon, online galleries, twitter account, discord. Someone with a clean conscience wouldn't do this.

I may not use my real name online, but it doesn't mean squat. For all I know, Henrique Sefra is a fake name. It certainly wasn't the name of the paypal account that received my money. I pay my artists on time and try to stay business-like. If you can't work under these conditions, don't accept them.

PS: Go to hell Saya. I never even spoke to you and now you're calling me racist and sexist from hearsays.
Last edited on 18 April 2023, 02:03.
Posted on 17 April 2023, 12:21 by:   HSefra    PM
Score +73
My account is not FALSE!

you probably didn't show all the details - but that's okay, I'm moving on with my life trying to work honestly.

I don't know what you're saying about discord, I didn't do anything againt you.

anyone who has worked with you knows very well how bad it is - maybe that's why you have to look for new artists... because everyone gives up on you.

Because of reports like yours defaming my work I have lost many clients and been in the gutter.

thanks to the help of true friends I have risen again and can prove my worth.

Henrique Sefra is my name - You can believe it or not, I'm an artist and I'm not going to stop drawing just because of you.


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