Order: old to new. Thumbnail is p378. https://www.pixiv.net/users/11436093 https://atmmokumoku.wixsite.com/asyurado https://twitter.com/kumo___atm https://skeb.jp/@kumo___atm https://asyura-kumo.fanbox.cc/ https://portal.circle.ms/Circle/Index/10391974
@lucentwish549 Speak for yourself, I far prefer old to new ordering. Makes it easier to add new files to a previously downloaded archive without having to redownload the whole thing again, or to rename every previously downloaded numbered file. Keep in mind, some of us actually download and collect this stuff, we don't just gawk on it with an open mouth like an ape.
New to old order is also often used by uploaders to claim they "accidentally" switched up the order of pics from previous updates, because then the fastest way for a collector to have every pic and remove bloat from duplicates is just to delete the old archive and download the whole thing again, and the uploaders get more gallery points and credits that way.
If a gallery for an ongoing manga or comic started with the newest/latest page placed first, everyone would rightfully say that that's an insane way to organize it, yet for pic galleries it has somehow become the accepted default. Simply because leechers are too lazy and can't be bothered to do one more click to gawk at the newest update. We've come to a point when uploaders who do it the thoughtful, chronological and considerate way even get asked to change it up, it's fucking ridiculous.
@sunshineandlolipops Feels like you could've explained it in a less condescending way, but thanks for elaborating, I guess. It's not like I was trying to attack anyone, I genuinely just wondered what the reasoning behind it was.