Sharing my Noukin folder. Maybe this will save you some time of going through pixiv. I hope if you're a fan of the gang you'll find something here you haven't seen before. It's messy, but here: 1-135 Is all official stuff, screencap stuff, merch, concept, etc. 136-175 is fanart (SFW) 176-230 is fanart (NSFW) 231-276 is Koikatsu stuff
In the future I would like to make a more easy to use version with filenames that include artist information, but this is it for now.
I hope you like it :)
UPDATE, 14 February 2022: Added an official wallscroll with uncensored nudity from some sort of bonus Page 118! It's an uncensored version of the art on page 89! Thank You Akata Itsuki!
UPDATE, 19 June 2022: Added two new pieces of official art by Akata Itsuki! A Mahou Shoujo Mile and Mile with a certain scaly friend. Pages 87 and 88!
I should've said, page 118 is an image of a wallscroll I got from a Mandarake listing. It's not a scan, though maybe in the future we will get a scan. Anyways it's pretty exciting to find some lewd official art.