I'm not sure pumping midichlorians™ and other combat stimulants into a force-sensitive being is having the intended effect...
>>no one ever truly dies. >>Except originality and cleverness, of course, for this creature is named in best and proudest traditions of the furry™ fandom™ - Lop™ of Lepi™. >>BECAUSE "LEPUS", DID YOU GET IT? IT'S A CLEVER WORDPLAY, SHUT THE FUCK UP! >>... >>But I digress™
Speaking of Palpatin™ somehow™ returning, but Lukas™ still managing to brutally murder SW™ long before Diquels™ were vomited on the screens - Snao's Patreon has only one level, last time I checked. One dollar per month. Not that large of a sum by any measure, methinks *wink-wink, nudge-nudge*...
Snao Is A Very Good Artist I Have His Entire Collection In Order :D Snao Could Raise The Cost Of His Works A Little More, $1 Dollar Is A Very Low Cost.
Base +19, gongon12 -6, Keric22 -7, HentaiWolf2172 +7