Posted on 27 June 2022, 18:19 by:
lsphxd Score
Base +1, fuck** -8, Fshate -6, 亡霄雨kc +7, St.Maus -7, a2986338 -6, 石杖所在 +4
Base +6, tkenemy +6, roy4801 +6, xinmao +6, fuck** -8, Fshate -6, 亡霄雨kc +7, wujl +6, St.Maus +7, a2986338 +6, buerugde +6, flyingfree +6, mgcc +5, and 2 more...
Posted on 27 June 2022, 19:42 by:
leonsp45 Score
Base +6, Ng Cheuk Hin Gareth +1, fuck** -8, Fshate -6, leo96078 -2, gdghfgjhh -6, 習近平 +37, wujl +6, lrknb +2, St.Maus -7, E.M.T!天使 +6, RONGRUO1 +6, zhang6211088 +6, and 7 more...
Base +6, fuck** -8, kantudaze +6, Fshate -6, catwish -3, 亡霄雨kc +7, gdghfgjhh +6, YangYangYang123 +15, St.Maus -7, passor +11, anyswize +3, aoiiie -2, 石杖所在 +4, and 1 more...
Posted on 28 June 2022, 01:13 by:
crode Score
Base +6, fuck** -8, kantudaze +6, Fshate -6, 亡霄雨kc +7, St.Maus -7, Pax.Yang +6, passor +11, anyswize +3, 石杖所在 +4, Coledas Ukgent +15
Posted on 28 June 2022, 14:38 by:
M9876 Score
Base +6, 亡霄雨kc +7, St.Maus -7, 石杖所在 +4, Coledas Ukgent +15
Posted on 28 June 2022, 16:03 by:
法国流氓 Score
Base +7, ab5522 +4, 亡霄雨kc -7, 習近平 -30, Petro Whale +6, XXOO_47 +5, 秋葉原メイド +5, liuxuming3303 +16, GayMa -26, St.Maus -7, king hang +6, black lancer +6, TelluriumHCl +6, and 8 more...
Posted on 29 June 2022, 16:03 by:
lookwdfk Score
Base +1, 習近平 -30, coldiceEVO -6, GayMa -26, St.Maus -7, scf123 +16, roykng +7, black lancer +6, 秋葉原メイド +5, dogtang +6, qwe931846174 +6, a2986338 -6, T_01 +6, and 12 more...
Base +6, St.Maus -7, UUbik -6, a2986338 -6, novamxf +6, RONGRUO1 +6, 1954h +6, Paperleaves +2, FFo00o +4, anyswize +3, s3005306 +6, 石杖所在 +4, jajajazz33 -7, and 1 more...
Posted on 20 July 2022, 04:20 by:
l751017 Score
Base +6, 秋葉原メイド +5, qwe931846174 +6, a2986338 +6, novamxf +6, pad19950620 +6, FFo00o +4, NyteBlyde +3, mg232 +5, thisissogood +6, 79622 +1, Wanxinghe +9, s3005306 +6, and 3 more...
Posted on 30 August 2022, 19:53 by:
well29520 Score
Base +6, passor +11, 石杖所在 +4, Coledas Ukgent +15
Posted on 04 February 2023, 03:49 by:
qnmdseele Score
Base +5, Wanxinghe +9, s3005306 +6, 石杖所在 +4, Coledas Ukgent +15
Posted on 12 May 2023, 11:49 by:
fake key Score
Base +6, Wanxinghe +9, s3005306 +6, 石杖所在 +4, Coledas Ukgent +15
Base +5, 石杖所在 +4, Coledas Ukgent +15