Base +4, ddvdv123 +6, 介是真的吗 +5, zeroztk1 -6, 習近平 -30, 真理之祸 +6, cao15397592318 +6, heng8 +4, charlieding +6, YOKIMIYA +2, Hk114t -4, day233 -7, kkkkiiiissssssss +4, and 6 more...
Posted on 29 June 2022, 17:39 by:
jack1234 Score
Base +6, ddvdv123 -6, dograin12450 -4, Onda_Shimizu -3, ZXY960612 -6, 介是真的吗 -5, Sakamotochan -6, loogutsp -8, zeroztk1 +6, s90118 -6, Cm7-5 -11, saila978 -16, 習近平 +37, and 34 more...
Posted on 29 June 2022, 21:11 by:
a4404z Score
Base +6, 真理之祸 +6, 6666hero +6, heng8 +4, charlieding +6, cgy19955454 +6, tkenemy +6, 噩十七 +6, Hk114t -4, F1950619273 +6, 最后的卡神 +6, MikuMiku_39 +5, St.Maus +7, and 4 more...
Base +6, 6666hero +6, 習近平 -30, anhsun1027 +6, heng8 +4, charlieding +6, reduced1s +6, tkenemy +6, Hk114t -4, F1950619273 +6, kkkkiiiissssssss +4, 最后的卡神 +6, crsl +1, and 7 more...
Posted on 30 June 2022, 01:11 by:
Kobq Score
Base +6, charlieding -6, sixsamurai -8, xmldc -1, yohe8 -2, Hk114t +4, F1950619273 -6, day233 -7, kkkkiiiissssssss -4, St.Maus -7, scf123 -16, maoshallie +6, 甚是胃痛 +6, and 4 more...
Base +2, charlieding -6, sixsamurai -8, xmldc -1, yohe8 -2, Hk114t +4, F1950619273 -6, day233 -7, kkkkiiiissssssss -4, St.Maus -7, scf123 -16, maoshallie +6, 甚是胃痛 +6, and 2 more...
Posted on 06 August 2022, 06:04 by:
Kobq Score
Base +6, maoshallie +6, 甚是胃痛 +6, athrun zara +6, wagic +12, t000ooo8 -7, 失常人士 +5, 刑星夜~ +2, VladleaIII +6, LastBlackAthena -6, yanchin +2, WTBS_SHION +5, 120619a +6, and 2 more...