Finally. Almost 9 years after starting it, this book is finally finished.
Chapter 1, 3->7 and 9 translated by me. Chapters 2&10 translated by maipantsu. Chapter 8 translated by RyuugaTL. You rock guys! Edited by me. Thanks to: - J99814 for the QC of the first chapter; - svines85 for the QC of chapters 3->6; - RyuugaTL for the QC of chapters 7, 9 and 10, and everything else. - maipantsu; - the random translation help thread (Thira, CapableScoutMan, miceder); - Izur for cleaning pages 6&8 (and helping me enhancing quality of the other color pages thanks to his tip); - viacheslavovich for the scan; - of course Tabe Koji for this amazing book; without whom I wouldn't have come up with that. :P
It's here!! omedetouuu! and gokurousama deshita! Thanks for having me onboard for this, I really enjoyed reading about the Chicks and their erotic(and silly) adventures! And LEGS! holy LEGS!
Base +7, bfrost +20, shuntensatsu +16, Generotic +8
Those two cop chicks were made for sex and yet ... no sex and little nudity ... is this the denial fetish ? Are we the readers getting fetished from beyond the fourth wall ?!
Truly the philosophical debate of our century.
Base +17, Generotic +8, Yungnignog +6, gaijin83 +6