完全用爱发电。如果我的汉化作品对您的著作权等权益产生了影响,请发邮件到yzc7895123@126.com。个人汉化风格比较接地府,会在不影响阅读和理解的基础上尝试玩梗,如果没get到点提前致歉xwx Completely unprofitable. If my translation works cause any harmful effects to your copyright or other rights, please inform me of this by sending e-mail to yzc7895123@126.com . 嘿嘿🤤球结🤤大大的球结🤤
Tags "cat" and "dog" are for animals only, and should not be used with furry characters.
Either "cat"+"dog"+"animal on animal", OR "catgirl"+"dog boy"+"male:furry"+"female:furry" - but not both, and not in mix. For this particular story that would be "cat"+"dog"+"animal on animal", without "furry" tags.