Duo (no, not that one), a.k.a. Doug (not Winger), a.k.a. B.A.D. from the times FurServe was around.
Another remnant of auld lang syne, though not so ancient as to be considered Archean, or even Ordovician - more like old Jurassic fossil (no, not that one; Id like to get my appendages on ~complete collection of that one someday).
To quote certain Wiki: >>"DUO is an artist." End quote.
Well, that he most certainly is. (Dwelling under miriad different names on random websites, just to mess with people.)
Most known for creating one Tiffany Valentine, if I'd to wager a guess.
In general, this is just another case of "exactly what it says on the tin". Read the gallery name, or the quote cover unquote - and you'll have all the info about the product you need.