Base +4, houzw +9, txzh +4, scf123 +16, SpiritSoloist +8, z895795656 +6, mzmzmzm +6, 974727825qq +6, ccs324 +6, sunonepeek +5, 669961147 +6, 習近平 -30, liuxuming3303 +16, and 6 more...
Posted on 15 July 2022, 10:37 by:
䋻先生 Score
Base +6, scf123 +16, SpiritSoloist +8, z895795656 +6, mzmzmzm +6, 974727825qq +6, ccs324 +6, xsd123xsd +6, ninglingm +6, sunonepeek +5, 669961147 +6, 習近平 -30, liuxuming3303 +16, and 4 more...
Posted on 15 July 2022, 10:38 by:
p200404 Score
Base +7, scf123 +16, SpiritSoloist +8, bb3032006 +6, z895795656 +6, mzmzmzm +6, ccs324 +6, sunonepeek +5, bluewin +7, liuxuming3303 +16, noirnova +6, a145702778 +6