Childhood friends or pure love will never be stolen for any reason such as power, money, or threats, or be stolen through NTR, prostitution for money, multiple relationships such as two men and one woman, or exchange relationships. Men and women who shout NTR are castrated and then eliminated after being disciplined and castrated like the Samcheong Education Corps in reality. Just like Chunhyang will never be stolen or handed over to the magistrate. "Mong" is dead. Just because the number is 3, there is no such thing as a "three-way relationship" between two men and one woman.
I will not give up my position or have anyone interfere, so get rid of NTR
소꿉친구나 순애가 권력이나 돈,협박 등의 모든 이유로 NTR,뺏기거나,돈으로 매매춘,남자 둘에 여자 하나 등의 다자연애,교환연애 등으로 여자를 뺏길 일 없다. NTR을 외치는 남녀들은 거세한 후 현실에서 삼청교육대처럼 훈육 및 거세 후 제거뿐. 춘향을 사또에게 뺏기거나 넘길 일 없듯. "몽"은 죽었다. 숫자 3이라고 여자 하나에 남자 둘 "3자연애 따위는 없다"