Posted on 18 July 2022, 06:54 by:
Imuyaoi Score
Base +7, Harada Yui +11, hazari_13 +6, Shabui +15, Momo_Yuki +7, plusarkos +6, inkarian21 +6, csavarhuzo +6, Jackman02 +6, Toffu +6, MrSquigglesIAm +6, orangeorson +6, -Arthur- +6, and 14 more...
Base +16, Marz +7, Mandraken +6, hazari_13 +6, your_name +6, Momo_Yuki +7
Posted on 18 July 2022, 07:43 by:
mish2001 Score
Base +6, hykez -8, irizu -6, scf123 -16, PsychicDoom -6, AininChase -7, Konazumi -6, GuXs -14, pk061158 -6, Fighnjaci -13, PokeDude490 -6, Shurikensei -10, wavedash -21, and 5 more...
Base +28, SakaiYuuji97 +8, hazari_13 +6, Harkoz2 +6, Braltewrakcus +10, scf123 +16, Shabui +15, your_name +6, xgf123 +6, thelegend4684 +6, FVO +6, as102 +12, Barberbar +5, and 21 more...
Base +14, qazmlpok +24, Shabui +15, wavedash +21, see-eff +8, AmITooLate +6, hm4ster +6
Base +7, AininChase +7, jasperjones -6, thelegend4684 +6, TheGreatKing +6, see-eff +8, AmITooLate +6
Posted on 18 July 2022, 13:40 by:
lastperv Score
Base +6, thelegend4684 +6, jindoko90 +6
Base +7, jere512 +6, BaperNu +9
Base +11, blargh1123 +6, TCJJ +8, wavedash +21
Base +6, Shibby McCleud +6, hm4ster +6
Base +7, herpderp5545 +8, alex222333 -6
Posted on 19 July 2022, 13:54 by:
bachiko Score
Base +6, 44inf +6, CorneumCapra +6, AmITooLate +6, the dru one +7
Posted on 19 July 2022, 21:59 by:
gakagara Score
Base +6, CorneumCapra +6, MrSquigglesIAm +6, Malkovik +6, AmITooLate +6, Lokarash +8, Acolytus +6, num21 +9, painly +6
Posted on 04 September 2022, 17:45 by:
绅士0512 Score
Base +6
Base +6, danpikachu +7, dudemanbroham +6, shaolan-kun +6, num21 +9, skarm +6, jigga_g_z +12, firedragon89 +14, john34404 +7, KCzz15 +18, halomastah117 +6, zONEv1 +16, Sugoi Kukodesai +6, and 2 more...
Posted on 27 February 2023, 15:14 by:
muming95 Score
Base +1