Что вы думаете о моём переводе? Стоит ли стараться переводить тексты на фоне картинок? (What do you think about my translation? Do I have to translate the texts on the background of pictures?)
1) Here, "согласны ли вы, парни?" sounds too formal to me - "согласны, парни?" or "согласны, ребята?" (since you prefer this word) would be more suitable, methinks; maybe just "вы согласны, ребята?", without "ли". Translation itself is fine enough, I suppose - unless you were going for High Style. Polish and fine wording would either come with experience, or would be inconsequential - and you are already on the good level, as far as I care (which is not that much, I'll give you that for free). As for non-dialogue text (I presume, you meant that by the "on the background") - ultimately, that's for you to choose: does it matter for understanding of the story? Does it sound silly? How much time it takes to translate it and edit it in? I mean, it's probably a bit harder than just paste the text in clean word balloons... But it does looks nicer, that's for sure.
Aaaand 2) Beyond purely technical (comic, et cetera), I will not be touching tags on this with a ten-foot pole: you see, Boosterpang insists on thouse creatures being males with boobs, while I am a firm believer of WYSIWYG principle, and deem thouse as shemales, and therefore - belonging to "female" field. Azathoth, spare me that nonsense...
But in any way - good luck.
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