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[Jakethegoat] Familiar Members Episode 2 - Chapter 1

Posted:2022-07-25 09:30
File Size:75.98 MiB
Length:12 pages
Favorited:444 times
Average: 4.50

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Posted on 25 July 2022, 09:50 by:   Pseudo-Nim    PM
Score +46
So they are gelfs!
Posted on 25 July 2022, 10:28 by:   RobDollar    PM
Score +89
Good lordy, I need a flow chart to keep track of who's related to who and how...

And who's this Iris chick? Did she and Jake actually meet in some other comic and I just missed it, or is she a big, well-endowed retcon?
Posted on 25 July 2022, 11:03 by:   Pseudo-Nim    PM
Score +76
Three milfs are sisters, who were separated long time ago, it seems. With Dark Hidden Secret Past, and all that jazz.

The goat one was quote seduced unquote by some rando fucker who managed to knock her up; gave birth to twins - Jake and Kate jr. - as a result of that; the father is now absent for some unspecified reason. That forced her to stay in the quote dangerous unquote area, while her sisters went to the ground with the help of their mother.
Or "mother", given that they are gelfs - but one does not precludes the other, especially given that their mother is clearly a Mad Scientist of sorts, doing all the proper things to intrude on the Domain of God, usurp His Work, and spit in His Eye.

The ring-nosed sister (Jane) is married to the cow one (Rose), and they have a daughter - Iris.
Apparently, Jack had some interaction with Iris some time ago - though nothing to retcon here, afaicj: Jack is an artist, and a streamer; what she shewed him to refresh his memory is something you usually see on the webcam, or sent in chat. It seems, they met online, but didn't knew about their relative status - that being cousins - and flirted for some time, as your usual horny teenagers do, and he managed to extract some boob-pics from her, but nothing more*.
* more on that to be revealed in upcoming flashback/talk about the past

Now they all finally met, and more Strange Hidden Secrets(TM) shall be revealed*!
* ~soon

All three milf sisters - Kate sr, Jane, and Rose - are on the sofa here, talking to the female twin, Kate jr, while Jake and Iris are walking past them on this page.

What's that hard to follow?
I mean, I could've mess up some of the names - but for me to actually remember someone's name ~ten years of interaction would be preferable, if not downright mandatory prerequisite, so I can not be used as a median point for the "hardness to follow" in that regard. Beside that, the flow of events so far is quite simplistic.
Posted on 25 July 2022, 12:06 by:   EscapedDreamerD    PM
Score +24
you messed up. Jake is the son of Kate Sr and Jane. we are not told who Kate Jr motherfather is.
Posted on 25 July 2022, 12:11 by:   Pseudo-Nim    PM
Score +50
Well then.

I do remember the father, but it must be from outside of continuity of this particular comic.

Disregard everything I said, then.


Found the source of my confusion - it's a small story "How Kate Became A Housewife" from JakeTheBaa's Patreon -
Twins being twins the rest was my assumption.

Also, thouse two pictures, though the connection is tenuous them being commissions and all that:


Tangentially, it is not outright proven that Jane is Jake's other parent: according to this Kate sr is 'pretty sure' that Jane knocked her up, but 'pretty sure' is not a sure-proof evidence.

Regardless, it doesn't matter. We will either know, of will not.

That makes Jake and Iris brother and sister, though, not cousins.
Last edited on 25 July 2022, 12:36.
Posted on 25 July 2022, 14:45 by:   RobDollar    PM
Score +59
"That makes Jake and Iris brother and sister, though, not cousins."
Sired by the same father but born of different mothers who are also sisters, Jake and Iris are siblings AND cousins.

I'm starting to think that THIS was why incest was originally deemed a taboo by most cultures so many centuries ago; it wasn't a matter of avoiding genetic aberrations, it was just a matter of keeping everything simple! lol
Posted on 25 July 2022, 18:32 by:   Pseudo-Nim    PM
Score +64
Well, that rises a question of hierarchy - if the same pair are brother and sister, and cousins simultaneously, what social form holds superiority over the other. I'd posit that such hierarchy should be based on the degree of familial separation: ergo, they are firstly brother and sister, and all other things afterwards.

As for them being cousins, though - as far as I understand a cousin is a cousin only when two relatives are two or more familial generations away from their most recent common ancestor. Ergo, they are most definitely not cousins - they are simultaneously direct siblings and siblings-in-law, from which direct sibling status takes superiority without a question.

In fact, disregard first paragraph of this treatise: I'm pretty sure you can't be a sibling and a cousin at the same time by definition due to the "most recent common ancestor" thing.
If the linkage of the pair was at their common grandparent (which is the case for 'first cousins'), but the children of that grandparent managed to produce the progeny - the pair in question, the grandchildren in that situation will be siblings - but not cousins due to how it is phrased.
Though, I suspect, it is formulated in such a way for this very reason - to prevent the mix-up and uncertainties in description of the relative status.


God's hooks - the term I was trying to remember is 'paternal consanguineous half-siblings' or just 'agnate siblings'. Technically, thouse are not considered "siblings-in-law", and never were, to my recollection, so I fucked up and on this front. A moment, lemme just cross out all most of the dumb stuff I wrote before the edit.

On Jake and Iris not being cousins, though - I'll stand firm on that. At the end point, paternal consanguineous brother and sister are just brother and sister, with no regards to familial status of their parents. One can be a sibling and a parent/child - but never a sibling and a cousin, unless we are starting to talk in hypotheticals and lawyerspeak, or trying to describe a habsburgian genealogical ladder.

Confusion in that question stems mostly from philistines trying to describe clusterfuck familial relations of inbred families, and ignoring all the rules prescribing what is what and who is who, not to mention precise mechanism of layered seniority - it's a great source of fun on behalf of ol' goat Cletus, after all, so let's just ignore everything, and laugh at him.

In conclusion: fuck it, disregard everything, et cetera, et cetera.
Last edited on 25 July 2022, 19:15.
Posted on 18 August 2022, 17:11 by:   Dos-Tree    PM
Score +89
Okay NEW math....
Y...yeah I'm done. This family tree is a mobius double reacharound and I'm not caffinated enough to figure this out. I'm gonna turn my brain off.

Love me futa.
Love me incest.
Love me milfs.
Love me goats.
'ate logic.
Simple as.

anyways once this is finished, dude should sell a physical copy. I want it..
Last edited on 27 August 2022, 11:04.
Posted on 15 January 2023, 02:27 by:   Th777    PM
Score +7
Anyone got the ch2 ?

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