Aerobiz (1992) - SNES Manual エアーマネジメント 大空に賭ける _____________________________________________ Topics: SNES Manual, Game Manual, SNES, Super Nintendo _____________________________________________ Collection: manuals_snes; consolemanuals; manuals; additional_collections _____________________________________________ Language: English _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Full text:
Have yoii ever woixtered wtiat it would be like to take part in history 's great events?
Through our games you will encounter historical situations where you can play many roles - a hero, warrior, maybe evert a ruler, in the prc^ss CTeate your own history!
We hope you get many enjoyaWe hours from tore game and experience ^e passion and thriil of the lime period.
Please took for future duality releases from us!
We appreciate your interest in our products.
President, Ko^ Corporation & The Koei Staff
KEY TO QUICK START *6 Starting a New Game • 6 Saved Game • 7 Demonstration Game • 7 Options Menu • 7 Main Screen Functions • 8 Quick Play *10
AEROBIZ: A GLOBAL NETWORK • 13 Your Competition • 13 Major Airlines *14
Scenarios • 16
Your Goal • 17
Victory *17
Defeat *17
Game Flow *18
VIEWING THE DATA *33 Simple Data • 33 Industry Data • 34 City Data • 36
Quarterly & Annual Reports • 38
CHARTS-54 Commands ♦ 54 Data • 56
I Event Effects • 57 [ WARRANTY•58
You can uso oithor game controller to play, even for a two- player game.
1, START Button
• To skip through the opening to game set*up.
• To access the options menu from the main screen.
2. SELECT Button
* To view information on competitor companies from the main screen.
3. Button A
• To select hightighted commands and items.
• To answer Yes to Ye&^No questions.
4. Button B
* To camsei selections.
* To answer No to Yes/No questions.
1) Insert the game pak^
2) Turn the Super NinterKlo Entertainment System on.
3) The introduction will begin. Push START to skip to game set-up,
4) Use the control pad to choose a New Game, or Continue to play a saved game, and push button A,
1) Select New Game during game set-up.
2) Select a scenario you would like to play,
3) Decide the number of players, up to four. Use the control pad to move through tf>e player selection, and push button A to highlight the CO^A (computer) players as huMAN. All huMAN pfayers will be in the players' control.
4) When all players are set, push down on the control pad to highlight END, then push button A,
5) Decide main headquarters. Move the cursor across the map and highlight the city each player will control
6) Name company. To rename, push 8 to erase the current name. Move the cursor through the alphabet, push A to select, and write out the new name.
7) Okay the player set-up by selecting YES.
8) Choose level of game difficulty.
9) Okay the final set-up by pushing A, push B to return to scenario selection.
1 g)The game starts at the main screen, with the command menu highlighted.
You can watch the demonstration play if yog leave all the players in the computer's control during game set up. Push the RESET button to escape from the demonstration at any time.
Once the game begins, push START to access the options menu.
You can save up to two games. By saving you erase any game previously saved on the same save space. Music
Each city has its own theme song. After the game starts, you can select a new theme song for your city.
There are sound effects for special events and commands. You can turn them on or off.
Message Speed
Set the speed at which messages are displayed: Fast, Normal or Slow.
End Game
To end game. Save game before you quit if you want to mstarl the same game at a later time.
Exit the options menu and return to game play.
As Aerobiz starts, you assume the position of CEO of your own airline. Data about your company is at the bottom of the screen; headquarters, name, route and profit inforrBalion,
The command menu is in a bar at mid-screen. Use the control pad to move through the commands. Each command enlarges as it is highlighted.
Push button Y once, and an arrow cursor will appear on the map of the world. Move the arrow to a city and push button A to view city data. If you choose a city which is currentty in negotiation, a brief status report will show.
Having selected a city, if you push button A once more, city data will appear. There are three screens which will tell you about the city population, status as a business or tourist city, companies flying to the city, and passenger traffic. Push A to flip between screens.
nr 1^
Having selected a cily, simply move the cursor to anolher city to view the distance between two cities.
When viewing the distance, push button A to view competitor routes.
At the world map with nothing selected, push button A twice to view data about your company. A command n^enu will appear (or you to view route data, company earnings, a sales report, planes arto assets. Push Select to view the same infoimation on competitors.
This explanation is a successful start to your career as CEO of your own airline.
First Turn
* Open routes (first command) from t.A, to the cities with holding slots* where there ere numbers on the map. Assign B747s to L.A,-Honolulu, DC^ 10s for L.A.-NYC, 3 B7275 to L.A.-Vancogver» and 2 G727s to U,A.-Mexico* Order the maximum number of flights per week, and set all fares for 35% profit,
• Set all Investments to maximum (fourth command)*
• Send one manager to negotiate in L.A. (seventh command)* Send the other 2 managers to New York and London* Negotiate for 14 slots io each city*
• Buy stock in a charter company (sixth command)* BuylSOOK shares of the lowest priced stock*
• End turn (last command)- Second Turn
• Change the planes on the routes you previously set up with A300S (first command). Select the route to change and a profft screen will appear. Push A and choose Planes, Push up on the control pad to pull planes off the route* Then select the A300 and push down to assign to route*
• End turn.
Third Turn
• Your negotiations should be complete. Now open routes to each city where you were awarded slots*
• Send the managers out to negotiate again in Paris and Tokyo.
• Build a branch office in New York (sixth command). Construction will take 3 months.
• End turn.
Ooals from Here
• Maintain your stock of planes. Keep track of the most efftcient planes for the routes your company is flying.
• Continue to open routes between other dties.
• Sell stock when your capital is low,
• Use your branch offices as main hubs for expansion. Link your hubs to create a global network.
*Once you have opened 15 routes and have sufficient capital, start a network campaign.
Tip:Press the X Button to speed through messages and animated screens.
In the latter half of the 20th century, airline competition has intensified year by year, Each airline is extending its air routes and making efforts to appeal to new customers. The airlines all share the same goal, that is to connect the world through air routes* In other words, to create a global network.
The competition is tough, and moving people is serious business. However, not all airlines have what it takes to succeed. Minor problemg are hard to justify to passengers when other airlines seem to provide the same services, tfs up to each airline to make loyaJ customers out of their passengers from the very start.
The airline companies of today are expected to supply the best transportation available. Convenience, safety and comfort are desired by all passengers. Each airline must continuously invest in mainteriance, ad campaigns and special services, ffs all a part of their role as a global transporter of people.
lo the airline business, a company is rated as a major or minor airline. A major airline is a company which has a record for regular flights, few cancellations or delays, and is recognized for first class service. A minor airline is a company which has frequent delays of up to 2 or 3 days and a poor reputation for service.
What do you need to do to win recognition as a major airline? Let's look into the qualities required of an airline company: air routes, safety and service.
« Expand Air Routes
It's fascinating to be able to travel to any city in the world because the transportation routes are available. Passengers feel a sense of security and trust in your airline when you provide the means for thenn to reach distant dlies.
* Safety First!
Passengers entrust their lives to an airline when they choose to fly in their planes. Mo one is willing to fly in planes which are known to break down. Passengers also lose faith in airlines which show up in the news because of problems.
* Service with a Smile
Long lines and delays are intlatlng for travelers. Its up to you to provide a relaxing atmosphere for passengers once they board-
An airline company with extensive routes, a reputation for safety and good service i$ bound to be a global success!
EeadquafteTs Branch Office 3. Connecting City 4- Future Conneclion 5* Command Bar 6. Company Name and Cok3r 1 . Number gf Connecting Cities and Routes a. Budget 9. Capital 10- Graph of Profit
City Markers
Red: A headquarters city Orange: A branch otfice city Green: City connected by air routes Gray: City not connected to m routes
Slinking Slack St Yellow: Making a profit Blinking Red & Yellow: Suffering losses
Slot Markers
The number shown above a city marker represents the number slots available in that city, When you negotiate for and are awarded slots, the number available to you will appear.
There are 2 scenarios. You choose the location of your headquarters from 22 dlies. Dep^ .iding on the scenario and game level and headquarters location you set, you are provided with capital and planes at the start of a game.
Extend your routes and connect 22 cities of the world through your air routes. Strikes, airplane trouble and worid events may hinder your progress. Your goal is to become the most successful airline in the world.
You win when the following 3 conditions are all fulfilled: t.You connect all 22 cities through air routes.
2, Your annual report shows capital In the black," youYe maintaining a profit,
3. You are transporting the target number of passengers set for your game level
.. .....
1. Management condittens are poor and capital remains *in the retf for a year, you're not making a profit.
2.32 years pass without meeting victory conditions.
You can't open routes without planes, antJ you can't get planes without ordering them. In order to understand the process of running your own airline^ follow the general game flow.
Negotiate for Holding Slots & Order Airplanes
You have to negotiate to earn the right to open routes to each airport. And, you need pianes which can fly non-stop between two cities on a route.
When negotiations are successful, you win holding slots. Each slot represents one flight per week from an airport. The period needed to negotiate slots differs from 1 to 6 turns.
Order planes before you need them. Normally planes are delivered within three months (one turn) of placing an order. However, manufacturer strikes can delay delivery.
Open Air Routes
You must have an established branch office to open routes from a city other than your headquarters. Branch offices can be us^ as hubs for expanding your network.
At first, open routes between distant^ large cities. Long-distance routes are in high demand, and fuel expenses are low compared to short distance flights. In large cities, with high populations, there a great demand for airtine service. The bigger the city, the greater
Negotiate for Holding Slots & I
Order Airplanes 1
Open Air Routes 1
Set the Budget
Save CapHal I
i _
Set Up Branch Oftices-
Connect All 22 Chies 1
Goatt Transport Target Number of Passengers
the cost for setting up air routes- But» also the greater the profit from connected routes.
Set the Budget
As CEO, you need to set the budget for the Repairs, Advertising and Service departments.
Each department ts rated on a percentage scale and by the industry standards* If you don't continue to invest in the budgets, airplanes will not be repaired, your services will not be advertised, and service will deteriorate.
Save Capital
If you are generating enough capital, keep openir^g new routes. But, if capital is iow, wait a few months and check your competitors' moves. If you are competing on a common flight route, it may help to boost your advertising, reduce the airfare, and switch ptanes.
Set Up Branch Offices
As you add routes from the heaciquarters city, think about setting up a branch office. It costs more to set up an office in a large city than an industrial city, but large cities will prove more profitable.
• Connect All 22 Cities
After you connect all 22 elites, your last goal is to reach your yearly target for transporting passengers (see Victory), Stay competitive with ad campaigns and by buying out charter companies.
Need: Capital * Sbts *Aitpfanes Open an aif route. Select the origin (headquarters or a branch office) and the destination (a city wrth available stols).
After you confirm to open a route, designate what type of plane to use on the route, how many, the number of flights per week and the airfare. Be aggressive; set the fare up to 50% higher or lower than the actual cost per passenger, as shown on screen.
Change the type of airplanes on a route, number of airplanes, flights per week, or the airfare. There is no fee for makir^g changes.
Close an air route. If you close a route between the headquarters and a branch office, al! routes connecting the branch office will close.
2. Negotiation
Negotiate tor Slots
Send your managers out to negotiate with worldwide airports for holding slots. You have three managers beneath you. Once you are awarded slots, you must pay to keep them open, even when not in use.
Dts which not in use by Proskient to negotiate. The more than one of these
horl term more than >oft at the
Negotiations take from S months !o 2 years! The term depends on the city, the number of slots requested, and whether or not a brsn^^h fice ot your company exists in the city, C } vary from city to city. Short Dtiations are possible if you let manager negotiate at an aiq same time. You must break off neg uri(^ airport in order to assign a manager talks at another airport.
The number of stots acquired is the maximum number of flights allowed from an aimort in a week. Your compa keep the slots open,
Negotiate for Return You can return slots which sending your Vici VP can handle assignments per turn.
Managers Vice President
24 ^
3. Trade Commands
toeing Manufacturer
Globus Purchaser
MDC ^McDonne^l Douglas Corp.) Manufacturer us Manufacturer
Markov Manufacturer
Trade airplanes. There are 4 manufacturers and one purchasing company.
Order Planes Need: Capital
Place an order with a plane manufacturer. Normalty, planes are delivered to your company within three months (one turn). But, there are sometimes delays on the part of the manufacturer. You can order up to 5 types of planes in one lym.
ii’i V- 'V, ^
If you order many of the same planes from the same manufacturer^ you may be able to get a better price per plane*
Sell Planes
Sell off airplanes that are not in use. The buying rate varies from time to lime.
4. Budget
Set Ihe budget for the Repairs, Advertisement and Service departments. Each department's budget is shown as a percentage of the industry standard.
1. Prediction of budget setting
2. Industry Average
The industry average is given so that you can assess how youf competitors are allotting their budgets. The triangular mark on the graph predicts how investment now will effect next quarter's budget.
IPIX;,- :ir. -
The budget for maintenance. It includes expenses in the repair shop and labor gosts- When the repair budget is low, your planes will not be able to fly safely*
The budget tor advertisement on television and in newspapers and magazines. Your company will win recognition and more passengers if your advertising strategy succeeds.
The budget for customer service related employees^ such as flight attendants and ticket agents. Salaries and services are included. Provide good service to make an Impression on passengers.
5. Marketing
Carry out marketing campaigns, and strive to increase the numl>er of the passengers you transport. Each campaign is carried out for one year before you can begin another. You can only set up one campaign in a turn.
Flags appear above the command bar to show how many quarters are left in a campaign.
N^ed: Air Route,
Entice people to fly your airline with a special gift offer and increase passengers. You can run this ad on up to 2 air routes.
Need: Hotel, Capital
Stimulate tourism to a city where you have a hotel chain. If suooessful* air traffic to that city will increase. But, your campaign will also effect air traffic for other companies.
Need: At least 15 Air Routes, Capital Advertise the convenience of your entire airline network. t sucoessful. passengers will increase on all air routes owned by your company.
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When you strive to achieve results, what interests you
other than demands from society are the trer>ds of your irtdustry* In this chapter, various ways of viewing the data on your company and your oompetitons is explained.
There are five types of data: simple data, industry data, city data, quarterly reports, and yearly reports. Explanations below teil where these data appear and how you access them,
Where: Main screen How: Press SELECT
1 2 3
1. Company Marne
2. Budgets
3. Graph of Profit
RTE (Routes)
Shows the type ot airplanes, number in stocky rnformatk>n on air routes, flights, fares amt sales.
Shows data on the total numbers of planes stocked, number of planes arranged with flights (ARG) and number of spares (SPR). The year the planes went on sale is also shown, IN PRDCT (in production) indicates the status of the plartes currenUy being ordered. ORDER indicates how many planes are being ordered.
ASST (Assets)
Shows the cor>dition of stock holdings and hotels owned in separate windows. Push up or down on the conlfol pad to flip through asset information.
Cities are typed as Large, Balanced, Industrial or Tourist places.
iargrr. Ctood for networking and busfoaes.
Balanced: Has attraction tor tourism and small business growth. irKtustrial: Potential to grow into a targe city. Touristt Perfect for tourist campai^.
Hubs and hotels are shown with holding slot information for each company in that city.
• Traffic
Information on passenger traffic for each company flying into the city is given. The number of passengers moved by each airline is represented by people lined up in front of an airport gate. Each icon of a person represents a certain number of people. A key to the value of the icon is given at the top of tfra screen.
Vimm's Laii* -
Quarterly & Annual Reports
automatically on the screen in between
J ^''P ‘>e‘ween
the quarterly and annual reports.
• Quarterty Report
Push up and down on the control pad to show sales expenses, profxs end pessenge, gratis oi eu «,S
SAL (Sales)
fTnS'h!!'flreen line. It includes profit from hotels and income from air routes.
EXP (Expenses)
Total expenses, such as fuel for the airplanes flinht attendant salaries and repairs costs are sho^ in the ?ed
PRF (Profits)
Sown ® "o* be
PAS (Passengers)
The total number of people transported quarterly on all ■T'’® Of the pe^;
^Dle tSS^ how many
people the top company is transporting.
Annual Report
An annual report is conducted to anrtounce the results of the best 3 companies of the year. The top companies are chosen for 3 different areas of competition.
NET CITY: The most cities linked. PASSENGER: The most passengers transported. PROFITS: The highest profit for the year.
lii* -
The folJowing events occur throughout the
A/eivs FiBsh
Sf3Kr'“ "'‘“= S’ZTy
Internal Struggle
'If® and the demand for air traJ^S
decrease. If a country declares indeperfoence thev will hi more receptive to business in the n^r foturo
The Olympic Games
Every four years, the Olympic Games are hosted bv a to th?OlyV^St!Sn St fo
World Fair
The World Fair i$ held in a different city around the wortd each time. The city which hosts the exposition will benefit from the inflow of new business. Air routes and cheap fares to the fair site will be in high demand.
Tourist Boom
Tourist booms are very positive for cities because they bring in money. Certain cities are often targeted in tour campaigns. This iricreases the demand for air routes and cheap airfare. At these times the airlines with the best fares and service will be successful
Labor Strikes
Airlines are effected by strikes among their own labor forces and by aircraft manufacturer strikes. An airtinc strike will hinder progress within a company. If a labor strike occurs at an aircraft manufacturer, all orders for planes will be delayed at least 3 months.
Earthquakes are unpredictable and they scare away tourists. The hotels in the dty where an earthquake takes place lose business, as do the airlines.
Bad Weather
Typhoons, wind storms and blizzards delay flights and tend to frighten tourists from flying. Aircraft may also suffer damage in severe weather coriditigns.
Accidents occur when airplanes are in need of repair. Accidents damage an airiine*s reputation, no matter what, so It’s important to keep planes in good repair.
London, Groat Britain iq^.
SeiLV'n As the capital of
culnjral^^ ’ M financial and
witness the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace. y^aius at
Paris. France
Pans rs internationally renowned as a dty of cul ural and intellectuaf diversity. I?s most ucrativ 0 industry fs tourism. The Arc de Triomphe and Eiffel Tower are histohcal tendmarks which draw millions of tourists each
Rome, Italy
Blessed with the mild climate of the
UiTfc IS®""® attraction for A? each year
Art and histoty enrich the larrdmarks of the citv'
mcluding the Colosseum and Saint Petards
Moscow, Russia MOW
Situated along the Volga Rfvor, Moscow was the capital of the former Union of the Soviet Socialist RepuhlfC- It has been the focus, in Russiap of the movemer^t for social democracy. The city relies on heavy industry to fuel its economy.
Nairobi, Kenya NBO
Nairobi rs the capital of Kenya. As a modem city, Nairobi is a center for communications. Nearby is a wildlife sanctuary which attracts many tourists, the Nairobi National Park.
LagoSt Nigeria LOS
Lagos^ on the Gulf of Guinea, is a city which covers four isiands. A system of bridges and causeways facilitates travei across the islands. As the capital of Nigeria, Lagos is a bustling center for small industry.
Cairo, Egypt CA!
Cairo is situated at the apex of the Nile, and is one of the largest cities on the African Continent. The magnificent pyramids and the Sphinx draw many visitors to Cairo each year. At the edge of the tourist path, high-rise buildings stand in a row, monuments to business in Egypt.
Tehran, Iran
Delhi, India
rZ lh.Z‘V' zzVor™'’
naja Shah Jaban built tbs Tai Mah=i . ® '
which has pnr+iani=^ ^ fwahal, the lempfe enchanted many visitors to Delhi.
^tjing. China
through e.T„g S'„g°h7o™".': rr “""t Palace, the former iocahon oVth^^
dynasties of Ming and Ching. anctem
ntjor Ms, of i„i„«„na| trad,'Ara‘'huh‘l “
Far East Asia. ^ latest tradtng centers of
Tokyo, Japan TYO
Tokyo is a city of progress. As a business hub, Tokyo competes with the American and European markets. Fashion, technology and trade all make up the vitality of this metropoiis.
Singapore, Singapore SIN
As a center for free trade, Singapore has high economic growth. Major industries of the city include manufacturing and tourist related services. On the very fringe of the city are mangrove swamps, a testimony to the tropical rain-forest climate of the region.
Sydney, Austrafia SYO
Sydney is the largest dty in Australia, outside of Canberra, the capital. Although it thrives on business, the surrounding beautiful landscape draws many visitors simply for travel and relaxation.
Vancouver, Canada YVR
Canadian railroad and airway systems terminate on the west coast, in Vancouver. Backed by inland mountains, the dty is a major port of the Pacific Coast. Vancouver is one of few cities which has successfully preserved much of the natural beauty of its environment.
Los Angeles, U.S.A, , , „
“L A.” is an international city with divArco
accredit L.A. with a reputation for fine education. New York City, U.S.A.
thTtrldi This metropofe S
he trade center of the nation as well as Thl hnancial capita) of the world MaHv arh^s come to New York and compete to make fh&r name on Broadway. As a hub of cultural
activity. New York City is the largest afy tn the United States. ^
Mexico City. Mexico
proup hosK 0 . ,h, Olympfc ois
cto ■'* "“‘'•P*' ™IP tPupding*'™
Slf S to ft.: '.n "“"’'T «ly
aies Mck to the Incan Empire. Todav Uma ie d^rdl"" ’^hich the worid
Buenos Atres, Argentina SUE
As a major world port, Buenos Aires is the gateway to Latin America, ft is the capital city of Argentina. The fair glimate of the region gives the city its name, which means '"good air,”
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil BIO
‘'Rio’' is the secciTd largest city in Brazil. As a noodern city, much of the nation's foreign trade is handled in Rio- In February visitors from all over the world gather there to take part in the famous carnivai celebration.
Honolulu, U S A. HNL
Hawaii is a land of perpetual summer^ Honolulu is the main port of entry for all tourists who visit the Hawaiian Islands. Besides tourism, sugar processing and pineapple canning have remained the main industries of this city.
Boeing Company 707
The invention of this plane in 1 954 brought about
L“,7r £• i
and smooth landings, ®
Developed as a smaller version of the 727 »h.
so "" '«''<» oi
Improvements were made to the 747 design to create the 747^400- Some of the new features include a two-crew, digitized flight deckp and increased fuel efficiency. Over 400 passengers can be flown in a 747-400 on a long-range route, such as from New York to Tokyo.
The 767 is a sized down modei of the 747^ yet at the time of its debut, it had better fuel efficiency for mid-range routes. It has been a popular plane for intercontinental flights.
McDonnell Douglas Coro DC8
The DC8 was introduced after the 707 anH quickly became popular for its use oJ
economical for commercial airlines.
The DC-10 was the first fhree-enqine wirfa land, and at extreme altitudes over S sea »
an %dt^nr«‘H af’craft, the MD-11 is
an advanced successor to the Dr in
nTlT®"*® '"®^® '"®‘'®‘^® winglets tali
<n order to create a highly aerodynamic mtSS.
Lockheed Aircraft Corp L1011
Tupolev Design Bureau •nj154
This is a medium range aircraft. A three-person flight crew is required, consisting of two pilots and one engineer. The interior is designed for passenger comfort and safety.
Ilyushin Design Bureau IL62
The main features of this airliner are the rear engines and four turtxifans. A five-person crew is required: two pilots, one navigator, and one radio operator and engineer. It rivals other jets for long-range performance.
This is a wide-bodied passenger aircraft. The interior can be arranged to accommodate economy class through first class passenger service. In the standard layout, the 11-86 carries over two-hundred passenger seats, with twin aisles.
The 11-96 is an updated version of the 11-86. It is a long-range airliner, the first developed in the former U.S.S.R. for intercontinental air transport. Fuel efficiency has been improved by the addition of winglets.
aircraft, it is suitable for short '^^"^®w-bcxfied transport. ^medium-range
This aircraft made its debut in 19 qp tf. . ,
Aerospace PLC Concorde
The Concorde is the only jetliner to have ever broken the sound barrier* As the first supersonic jet. it is an idea* aircraft for mternational travel- The body lines are sleek arKi long, designed in such a way as to be the most aerodynamic aircraft in the sky.
1 . Hwtes 5. Marketing
2- Negotiation 6 , Investment
3. Trade 7 . Board Meeting
4. Bedget e. Pass
J L Route Commands
_ Qp gn an airvome ~
— Sh^gelhes^ Hf aMjirti ~
2 . Negot iation Commands N^ofete to, Slots T^is-tsThaais^sfe Ti-- airp ort
3- Trade Co mmands ^rder Planes r.i y~^
4. Budget Comm ands __ ,
R epair Set the maintenance budget
Ad Set the advertising budget
Seivice Set th e budget for airtine services
5. Marketing Com mands _
Route Advertise a certain air route Hote l . _
Run a special tour la_a.^._—
Advertise t he oorive n ience ot yo u r rtetwork
6 . Investment Commands
Set up a branch office in a connecting citv
Sell olf the building of the branch office
Build a hotel in a connecting city
Sell a hotel —
Chtr Inc.
Buv stock in charter comp^ti^
Sell vour shares
Purchase the company if you own >51% shares
7. Board Meeting Commands
Advice on ootential routes
{^pinions on currant air routes
Ai^ice on airplanes __
Budoetinq suaoestlons
Rev^w of your assets
Advertisino sufloestigns
8 . Pass End a turn
^i mpte Dat a _
Budgets Budgets settings foTr^ifi;--
vr^T-—To—r:—gjygdisement and sftrw«>
—^g!^*gj!L_S aies and expenses of th e pro»i;;r^Tr^^
Industrial n at*
— —_L‘?fonTi^non_0^ air routT
Details of sales and profitTronn fhe —-previous (ym_
Branch oftioes. if haiH “ Hotels, if QwneH T he number of aotivo fiiohtT I he numbe r of holdina slots The totai thA aiHiVlo
-— L »enumt>e rof holdina slots
gggggge^ _ TCTS nBFiwBThlriT^
Quarterly ReiMrt
SdiT ' -
^_ I otat DrotTtR
Persons — —
Sales for quarter Total profits
ilLjPjbgLoLpasse rtgers tran spnrtftH _"
Annual Report
Best three ranked companies for sales, passenger transport.
profits, and
Evfetij Emci
Intern al Strug gle To urist B o om
World Fair _
01 ympic_Gam^ L abor Strikes ^ar thduake Bad Weather
City d a ta and passengers de cre^oga _
C ity da t a decreases _--
App e al of Q ty incre ases.
Tourism I n hos t city increases Sp ecia l routes open
C ompany data decreas es
“city d ata and appeal of ctty decrease Passengers decrease, planes in danger __ ^—-
Koet Corporation warrants to the original consumer purchaser that this game pak shall be free from defects in material and workmanship for a {>erLO<J of 90 days from date ot purchase. If a defect covered by this warranty occurs during this 90-day warranty period, Koei will repair or replace the game at its option, free of charge.
To receive this warranty service:
L Send in your Registration Card.
2. Save your saI(^s receipt and the UPC code found on the game packaging,
3. If your game is still covered under a store warranty, return the game pak to the store at which you purchased the game.
4, If the game develops a problem requiring service during the 90-day w^airauty period, and is not covered by a score warranty, notify Koei Corp. by calling the TecImicHl Support Dept, at (415)348-(I500, between the houni of 9 to 5 Padfic Standard Tlnie, Monday through Friday.
5, If the Koei vService Representative is unable to solve the problem by phone, you will be provided with a Return Authorisation number. Simpiy record this number prominently on the outside packaging qf your defective game pak. your name, address and phone number, and return the game pak, FREIGHT PREPAID AND INSURED FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE, together with your salcsreceipt or similar proof of-purchase (UPC code) within the 9(>*day warranty period to:
Koei Corporation One Bay Plaza* Ste. 540 1350 Bayshore Hwy.
Burliiiganie, CA 9^10.
This warranty shall not apply if the game pak has been damaged by negligence, accident, unreasonable use, m-odificationj tampering, or by other causes unrelated to defective materials or workman^ip.
Service After Expiration of Warranty
If the game pak develops a problem requiring service after the 90-day w^arranty period, you may contact the Koei Technical Support Dept, at the phone number fioted previously. If the Koei Sen^ice Representative is unable to solve the problem by phone, you may be provided with a Return Authori^iltio^ number and asked to send the game pak to Koei for personal inspection. Record this number prominently on the outside packaging of the defective game pak and return the merchandise, FREIGHT PREPAID AND INSURED FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE, to Koei with a check Of money order for $20, to cover repair or replacement, payable to Koei Corporation. Koei reserves the right to change the post-warranty service fee aiKl/or policy.
I Features; pEayers, 6 j Qprion to cfeate vguf cnaractef.
, mystic reltcs to discover, hatlery ba^k-iip to save games, ,
The Three f^imideiiis
China' s Fate is in Y our Hands!
The Second Han Dynasty is crumbfing! As a powerful ruler, from China's past, you are determined to beat your enemies. Destroy your opposition with brute force or wear them down with patfenoe and cunning. Only you can determine the fate of China!
Fantasy and Creatures of lore!
OncB upon a lime, an «v« Wizard cursed a dragon and s x magicians, sealing in shining gems. has been broken. ^
in search of the magi^ ston^. AS crest holder of a ™ble tern ^ capture the getris and reunite Sn with the crown. You must
return the island to peace!
reatures'. Up to 2 piav^'^ i S'
Sail the High Seas!
Climb aboard your flagship and set sail into the open
a young Portuguese captetn
you are in search of and fame. Wrthyour First hMte ' at the helm, navigate the way to distairt lands and ■flches. This is your adventure in the Age of Explorattonl