Thanks for taking charge in updating this! I've been relying on a chinese porn site/chinese free version for the updates. Your efforts are very much appreciative from someone who follows this series. Now, time to wait on that summary if someone also takes defan's place.
My reactions on 21 tbf, I know the genre will always remain unpopular but in my case, I know what I came to read. Personally, last page is really great! I'm still surprised at the rare cases Coach goes so far in going raw with Yuki when he's usually responsible with protection minus the times he's way too horny or overcome with emotions (which in this chapter was the latter). I'm also surprised the first time I saw this, Shoma argued up front with him that led to his foul mood. Also surprised it took 21 chapters to get Yuki to see NijimixShoma, you would think it would've been much earlier. The short haired teacher/parent favoring one of the kids over Shoma on the team makes a reappearance this chapter. Wonder what's her deal that made Coach spill his drink?