O ver hair a million anglers enjoy the benefits of B.A.S.S. mem¬ bership — FREE renewal gifts* free fishing information ser¬ vices, B.A.S.S. chapters, tournament participation, and much more — including the ultimate B.A.S.S.* benefit, a yearly subscription to BASSMASTER* Magazine. Packed with information on tackle, tips and techniques, every one of your 10 big issues of BASSM AS¬ TER has one purpose: to help you become a better bass angler.
And now. through this special introductory offer* B.A.S.S. Mem¬ bership and all of its privileges can be yours for the low' price of only $14.00. Thafs a savings of $6.00 off the regular $20.00 annual fee.
So join now and start receiving your benefits immediately at this great low price.
30 %
□ YES! I want to be a better bass fisherman. Please enroll me as a new member of the Bass Anglers Sportsman Society. I understand my membership benefits, including BASSMASTER Magazine, will start immediately. If l am not completely satisfied, fll return my membership packet and you will promptly refund my dues for the unused portion of my membership.
J ENROLL ME FOR A ONE YEAR FEE OF ONLY $14.00 (A $6 savings off the regular membership fee of $20)
□ Payment enclosed □ Bill me
(Foreign memberships — $30.00) CXM-CX1
City._State_7.1 P_
Signature__ _
Welcome Anglers! .2
Getting Started .2
The Anglers.3
Around the Dock Area.6
The Sait Shop.7
Controls . 25
Game Screen .27
Practice Pond .29
Go Fishl Tournament Pules.30
Sponsors .33
Fishing Notes.34
Limited Warranty.35
Mail to Bass Anglers Sportsman Society P.O. Box 17116* Montgomery. AL 36151-0116
Welcome to the BASS Masters Classic®. Name’s Hank. Think of me as your unofficial host. I’ll tell you what you need to know. This tour consists of five three-day tournaments at five lakes. First one’s at Pebble Lake. You’ll see my bait shop there and -get to know your way around the dock area, but first you’ll need to take care of a few things.
Make sure the power to your Super Nintendo Entertainment System is turned OFF. Insert the BASS Masters Classic® game, then turn the power ON. You’ll see the BASS Masters Classic® title screen.
After you’ve exited the title screen by pressing the START Button, you’ll see the tournament rules. Press the START
Button to continue reading the rules or press the B Button to exit.
After you’ve exited the tournament rules screen you’ll see the New Game signpost highlighted. Press START to begin a new^ame. If you’ve saved a
game, you may choose Load Game by pressing the Control Pad DOWN to high¬ light it, then press the START Button.
It will help if we both know who you are. Choose a player identity by scrolling through the six anglers and their bios by pressing the Control Pad RIGHT. When you find yourself, press the START Button.
Here’s what I think of them:
m«>aig ini?-
Charlie Chum
A believer in fish attractants — Charlie eats anchovies for break¬ fast and washes his hands in Fish Formula. Pulls in bass like a magnet.
Clyde Casey
Former Olympic arm- wrestler. Sets the hook so hard he once uprooted a tree his bait snagged. Where does he fish? Anywhere he wants.
Cory “Cowboy”
A champion calf-roper, he can cast farther than any othgr angler. Calls bass “doggies” and has a saddle mounted on the bow of his Ranger®.
Willie “the Kid” Emerson
Began reading BASS- MASTER® Magazine in kindergarten. At 16 he’s the youngest angler on the pro circuit and he has incredible endurance.
Zoe Shelby
The most attractive angler on the pro circuit — to bass, at least. Fish are so eager for her to “lip” them, they’ll hit any lure she offers.
Hooker 3. Sharp
Uses chemically sharpened hooks so sharp it’s dangerous to look at them. If a bass comes near his bait, it’s stuck for good.
Now you’re in the Dock Area, the place where all the action starts.
You can go to:
Sait Shop Practice Pond Tournament (Go Fish)
Tourney Info screen Weigh-In screen New Same screen Faeeword screen
Press the Control Pad RIGHT or LEFT to go to each of these spots and press the 3 Sutton to select into one of them. I recommend that you step into my shop — you’ll get lots of important advice there.
you don't. I’ll tell ^ ^ "
you what’s what and how much it
will cost you. Listen to me. I’ll take good care of you.
To get around my a
Shop, press the
Control Fad RIGHT - T ^
or LEFT, then press
the B Button when ,
you want to look at
something. You’ll
see the following
option signs:
Purchase a wide range of lures perfect for all types of fishing situations.
I’ve got plain and I’ve got high-tech equipment, whateveryour pleasure.
Fishing Lines
Mono, co and monster tri — all the kinds you need to get a big one out of the pond.
Evinrude® and Johnson® are the best in the business and I’ve got them for you.
These will spin them around and give that fish the ride of its life.
These are some of the hi-tech pieces of equipment that can be purchased at my bait shop. They can save you a lot of time.
Sit down and talk a while with old Hank. Talk’s cheap — it’s free!
Fishing Options
Leave my shop and head back outside to the Dock Area.
To buy equipment, press Control Pad DOWN to purchase the Item, then press the B Button. You’ll see the dollar amount of the item get subtracted from your prize purse and then you’ll see your tackle box filling up.
To get more of my advice on something, press the Control Pad DOWN to get Help For The Item, then press the B Button.
Always press the B 1
Button after highlighting Bait Shop options to back out of looking at an item.
Go on, choose Talk if you want some advice from an old angler. I’ll , share my knowledge with you, no problem.
On the house, even.
Before you head out on the Practice Pond or into the Tourney, pick up all the lures you might need and put them into your tackle box. After you buy
them, you’ll see your tackle box filling up!
Crankbaits — A Sawbuck ($5.00)
3-5 ft. range
3-15 ft. range
15-20 ft. range
20-40 ft. range
These popular lures will dive when cranked and then float at rest. Some big bass have been snagged with crankbaits.
How To:
A crankbait is presented correctly by simultaneously pressing the A andlor B Button and pressing the Control Pad POWN/LEFT or DOWN/RIGHT.
Grub — A Five Spot ($5.00)
A deep-water lure, grubs can prove invaluable when going for those deep lurking lunkers.
How To:
A grub bait is presented correctly by simultaneously pressing the A and/or 3 Button and pressing the Control Pad UP/LEFT or UP/PIGHT. The grub will pulse vigorously.
Popper — A Fiverino ($5.00)
For water from 0-10 feet. Aggravate the bass with this noisy topwater lure. A good way to fire up lethargic lunkers loafing around the lake bottom.
How To:
A popper is presented correctly by simultaneously pressing the A and/or 3 Button and the Control Pad in the UP direction. The popper will then bob up and down and make a popping noise.
Spinnerbait — A Simple Sawbuck ($5.00)
For water 1 - 25 feet. Easy to use and an award-winning bait, spinners reflect light off their spinning blade and attract bass well. Effective in heavy cover in shallow water.
How To:
A spinner is presented correctly by simultaneously pressing the A and/or 3 Button and pressing the Control Pad LEFT or RIGHT. The spinnerbait will then spin its blade completely.
The dark worm is best used in dark murky waters.
The scented worm gives off an odor that some bass will like.
Worms are a tried and true method of taking bass from deep water. Choose from light, dark and scented. When combined with a little worm oil, the results can be deadly...for lunkers! An all-around bait.
How To:
A worm bait is presented correctly by simultaneously pressing the A aw^tor B Button and pressing the Control Pad in the DOWN direction. The worm will squirm!
Jigs — Five Clams ($ 5.00)
For water 5-25 feet. A heavy, lead-headed bait with a single hook, jigs can be fished effectively in a dense cover where big bass live without getting snagged.
How To:
Press the A and/or & Button and either UP or DOWN on the Control Pad simultaneously and the jig will bob up and down rapidly.
Tailspinner — Five George Washingtons ($ 5.00)
For water 15-50 feet. A heavy vibrating lure that sinks and can be fished in extremely deep water, it producer an intense tight vibration when reeled in fast.
How To:
Press the A and/or 5 Button and the either RIGHT or LEFT on the Control Pad simultaneously and the tailspinner will spin
Jigging Spoons — One Abe Lincoln ($5.00)
For water 15-40 feet. A good all-around lure that works well in very deep water as well as an effective topwater lure when retrieved fast.
How To:
Press the A and/or 5 Button and DOWN on the Control Pad simultaneously and the spoonbait will rock back and forth.
Fishing Line
If you’re going to get the best boat, rod, reel, electronics and lures, don’t rely on eecond-rate line to catch your bass. Different lines have different strengths.
Mono 10 lb. — A Georgy Porgy ($5.00)
Mono colored 20 lb. — A Ten Spot ($10.00)
• Cofilament 30 lb. — Fifteen Tons ($15.00)
Cofilament colored 40 lb. — An Andy Jackson ($20.00)
a Monster trifilament iron mesh day-glo
100 lb. — Fifty Clams ($50.00) |
The fishing rod is perhaps the most crucial element to the fishing experience. Make it count!
How To:
To hook a fish, pull back on your rod by pressing the Control Pad in the DOWN direction as soon as you hear the “bark” snapping noise. Use a “Fower Move” after you have hooked a fish and the fish is swimming away from you, by pressing RIGHT or LEFT on the Control Pad. This will turn the fish in the direction that you are pulling.
Don’t get caught fishing for adult bass with a small reel. Buy something worth attaching to your rod and get yourself a lunker!
How To:
For a slow reel-in, press the A Button. Press the B Button for a normal reel-in. To do a quick reel-in, press the A Button and the B Button simultaneously. Be careful, because if a fish is hooked, the line will cut and you’ll lose your lure. Press the A and Y Buttons simultaneously for an automatic reel-in.
a Push Button Spincast Reel — Twenty-Five Big Pieces of Cold, Hard Cash ($25.00)
M Rear Brag Spinning Reel — Fifty Big Ones W ($50.00)
Baitcasting Reel — One and a Quarter Ben Franklins ($125.00)
Fishfinders make a eonar “blip” when the boat is directly over fish. You should note that location on the overhead map and then move your boat a little ways from the location, then cast into the noted area.
Eagle™ Supra Pro 1.0. — Ninety-five Greenbacks ($95.00)
Lowrance® X-70A LCD — Four hundred eighty Buckeroos ($4£0.00)
Eagle™ Ultra 2 Split Screen LCD — Three hundred Hot Potatoes ($300.00)
NOTE: Press the Control Pad UP or DOWN to scroll the fishfinder view screen.
Lowrance® LMS-350 LCD — Eight hundred Big Ones ($300.00)
NOTE: Press the Control Pad DOWN to review the last fifty readings.
How To:
Your fishing stuff won’t do you much good if you can’t find the fish, will it?
A faster engine lets you make better time across the lake. Remember, every minute your competitors are gaining on you. How can you get around the lake and through the thick cover without a kicker of an engine?
Weigh In
Go on, see how you stack up against the other anglers. Just press the Control Pad DOWN to move to Weigh In,
then press the D Dutton.
New Game
This selection will take you to the Start screen if you want to begin a new game or enter a new paeeword.
At the Exit sign, press the | _ i D Dutton and
■ES1FI3B you can get a
mUSBtmmi paeeword so you
i S&T&EsSaBgB: can come back to
■jjjll the Tournament later on when
you’re ready. Faeeworde allow you to start at the beginning of each day for that lake with the same items and money. If you want to start a whole new tourney, press the 3 Dutton. A new game will begin.
How To:
The D Dutton moves the boat forward, the A Dutton moves the boat backward. Steer the boat with the Control Pad directions LEFT and RIGHT. You’ll get the hang of it!
Johnson® 70 HP — $6,900.00
Evinrude® Intruder 150 — $11,200.00
Johnson® Venom 225 — $15,300.00
Evinrude® 50 HP Outboard — $5,400.00
too late last night) the name of the lake you’re on and what day of the Tournament
Tourney Info
Over here you can see important things like: what temperature it is; water conditions; your limit for the day; how many competitors you have; everybody’s current standings; where your boat is on the overhead lake map and, (in case you
You’d better memorize these controls if you want to catch the big one!
START Sutton Start game.
Pause game.
Note: If the game is paused for an extended period of time, the music will reduce in volume and the screen will fade.
A Sutton Drive boat backward.
S Sutton Drive boat forward.
Y Button Cast rod.
Controls for reeling in a fish are under Reels on page 20.
To cast, press the Y button to aim, then press the Y Button again to cast. You can move the rod once you’ve aimed by pressing the Control Pad LEFT and RIGHT.
Note: You must press the Y Button two times, once to begin the power meter and again to cast the line.
Control Pad LEFT/RIGHT
Steer boat in that direction.
Move fishing pole in that direction.
When on the lake, press the X Button to bring up the Option Screen so you can get tournament information, go to your tackle box or toggle the music on or off. Press LEFT or RIGHT on the Control Pad to cancel this option.
In either Practice or Tourney, you’ll see the same game screen when you are fishing:
Shows what time it is so you can keep track. (Tourney only)
See how you’re struggling against that big one.
Tells you how far out your lure is.
Fish’s Strength
Gives you some idea of how much fight the bass has left in him. As he gets weaker, the circle’s red color fades.
Angler’s Strength
Gives you some idea of how much strength your angler has left. As your angler gets weaker, the circle’s yellow color fades.
Pretty self-explanatory.
Shows you which one of your lures the bass has bitten.
The depth indicates how deep the lure is.
In the Practice Pond, practice your technique so when you go to Tournament you’ll be ready. There’s no clock, so don’t
worry about the time you’re spending prac- I
ticing, just catch
those lunkers!
Now that you’re ready for some real fishing, you’d better familiarize yourself with the rules so you know what to do.
1. Hours:
Tournament hours run from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm.
2. Days:
Each Tournament consists of three days at each lake.
3. Livewell:
Can hold up to five bass at any one time. If you catch a bass that is larger than your fifth bass, that fifth bass will be culled (thrown back). Fish that are not bass will not go into the Livewell or be counted toward your total weight. All of these fish will be released back into the
4. Rankings:
Your rank is determined by the total weight of the five largest bass you catch and successfully bring to the weigh-in area at the end of each day.
Each day’s total is added to the previous day’s for your overall ranking. You must place high enough at the end of each Tournament to advance.
Qualifications are shown at the beginning of each tournament.
5. Size Limits:
Each bass must be 15 inches in length to be legal. If the bass is not 15 inches long, it will automatically be released.
6. Late Penalties:
If you arrive at the weigh-in after 3:00 pm, two ounces for each minute you are late will be subtracted from your total. If you arrive at the weigh-in after 5:20 pm you will be disqualified for that day.
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MALIBU GAMES warrants to the original consume* purchaser that this game pak shaft be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase. If a defect covered by this warranty occurs during this 90-day warranty period, MALIBU GAMES will repair or replace the GAME PAK, at its option, free of charge.
To receive this warranty service:
1 . DO NOT return your defective game pak to the retailer.
2. Notify the MALIBU GAMES Consumer Service Department of the problem requiring warranty service by calling; (818) 501-3241. Our Consumer Service Department is in operation from 9.00 a m, to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, Monday through Friday.
3. If the MALIBU GAMES service technician is unable to solve the problem by phone, he will provide you with a Return Authorization number. Simply record this number on the outside packaging of your defective game pak, and return your game pak freight prepaid, at your risk of damage, together with your sales slip or similar proof*of*purchase within the 90-day warranty period to:
MALIBU GAMES Consumer Service Department,
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This warranty shall not apply If the game pak has been damaged by negligence, accident, unreasonable use. modification, tampering, or by other causes unrelated to the defective materials or workmanship.
It the game pak develops a problem after the 90-day warranty period, you may contact > The MALIBU GAMES Consumer Service Department at the phone number noted. If the MALIBU GAMES service technician is unable to solve the problem by phone, he may provide you with a Return Authorization number. You may then record this number on the outside packaging of the defective game pak freight prepaid to MALIBU GAMES. MALIBU GAMES will, at its option subject to the conditions above, repair the game pak or replace it with a new or repaired game pak. If replacement game paks are not available, the defective game pak will be returned and the $10.00 payment refundable.
The provisions of this warranty are valid in the United States only. Some stales do nol allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or exclusion of consequential or incidental damages, so the above limitations and exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
MALIBU GAMES, 5016 N. Parkway Calabasas. Suite 100, Calabasas, CA 91302.