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[Guronator666] Barbara's Bad End (Genshin Impact)

[Guronator666] Barbara's Bad End (原神)

Artist CG
Posted:2022-08-21 02:59
File Size:30.22 MiB
Length:7 pages
Favorited:249 times
Average: 2.44

Showing 1 - 7 of 7 images

Posted on 21 August 2022, 02:59 by:   921770760    PM
Uploader Comment

Some information:
1. You can blacklist uploaders who mainly upload stuff you don't like (in settings)
2. You now can hide tags you dislike, and watch tags you like (configure it in "my tags")
3. Galleries with some tags (like guro and snuff) should give you a warning before you even see anything, if they don't you disabled it

Quote from: uploader:"Nanashi Genmu"

1. 在Settings页面,你可以把经常上传一些你不喜欢题材的本子的上传者加入黑名单。
2. 在My tags页面,你可以彻底屏蔽含有你接受不了的tag的本子,从而避免你看到不适的封面缩略图,所以不要成天靠夭封面没有警告了,自己动手丰衣足食。(当然作者加了封面我也不会擅自去掉)
3. E绅士在你点开任何含有过激tag的本子(比如猎奇guro、死亡snuff、脱粪scat)之前都会弹出一个醒目的警告页面Content Warning,根据E绅士wiki中记述的规则,如果你不听劝阻选择进入,那么你将失去任何事后抱怨的资格。如果你没有遇到这个页面,说明你曾经在这个页面里选择过"Never Warn Me Again"关闭了这个功能,请自行承担后果。

授权引用并含私货翻译自uploader:"Nanashi Genmu"

In the old days, both of reasonable users and dumbfuck users complained about the cover of guro galleries cannot be avoided.
As a result, Tenboro, the master of EHentai, introduced the watch/hidden tag system in Mar 19 2019, which can prevent reasonable users from guro covers completely without forcing uploaders to hurt their galleries.
Of course, I tried my best to promote the watch/hidden tag system so that reasonable users can avoid my guro galleries.
Now the dumbfuck users complain about the watch/hidden tag system has a risky of missing some good shit.

Come on, man. The risky of missing some good shit is the responsibility of the users who even cannot afford an accedently glance of guro cover.
Guro galley is entitled to have a normal cover.

BTW, in fact I enjoy -30 downvoting those randos bombing reviews. lol

Infact the present watch/hidden tag system do have a Soft and hard gallery tag filter, based on the weight of tags you set.
see Soft and hard gallery tag filters chapter
If they still complain about the risky, I think they are deliberately to making things difficult for others.

Sorry for making a misunderstanding. I downvote you just because I do not agree with the opinion that guro gallery should add a extra cover. I downvote every "add extra cover" review in guro galleries.
Posted on 21 August 2022, 03:32 by:   Thanks    PM
Score -15
4. You can spend 50 seconds of your life putting a fast and dirty "Guro Warning" cover made in paint if the stuff is primarily guro so people are more likely to ignore it. By blacklisting the "guro" tag you miss some good shit that has like 5% guro and 95% other fetishes. For example: Nanairo Reincarnation. Also some dumbfuck users can and do mislabel galleries with tags; while this is often corrected swiftly, if you're unlucky you can skip over a gallery you wouldn't have skipped due to such settings.

TL;DR- Make a cover if you're complaining about randos review bombing your stuff.
Posted on 21 August 2022, 04:51 by:   sephy star    PM
Score -2
Posted on 21 August 2022, 05:31 by:   chenjianxi    PM
Score +36
Posted on 21 August 2022, 06:12 by:   Thanks    PM
Score +151
"Come on, man. The risky of missing some good shit is the responsibility of the users who even cannot afford an accedently glance of guro cover.
Guro galley is entitled to have a normal cover."

Idk, gonna disagree with you there. My opinion, Guro is not even in the same genre as other fetishes and/or tags. Sex or something that involves sexual organs is basically what most everything else can be boiled down to. Guro you're straight up killing the girl/guy who can be naked or clothed. We can all agree that comedy, romance, horror, mystery, etc are distinct categories. Yes they can be mixed but no rational person is gonna say black is white, mystery is comedy, romance is action. But for some reason a pic of a dead thing is in the same section as the other erotic kinks.

I'm certain nobody argues for covers of NTR, rewrites, or Bleached galleries even though a large portion of users dislike them. Why? Because they are still under the erotic umbrella, the erotic genre. There is a certain expectation; users can peek into those galleries and if the art is pleasing they might just jack off to it anyways since it is erotic. Seeing some random dead thing kinda kills the vibe for those expecting eroticism while browsing the site.

I wish there was more nuance to the tag system (maybe light guro so things like Nanairo Reincarnation don't get filtered) but until then I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for a cover for guro heavy galleries. You're free to disagree.

"BTW, in fact I enjoy -30 downvoting those randos bombing reviews. lol"

I noticed you downvoted me, but I didn't and won't cast a vote for this gallery by the way. I don't really rate galleries negatively unless the art is total dogshit.
Posted on 21 August 2022, 07:06 by:   bh3rd    PM
Score +39
Posted on 21 August 2022, 09:04 by:   4fbq    PM
Score +4
Posted on 21 August 2022, 16:42 by:   佐仓律    PM
Score -1
Posted on 21 August 2022, 17:56 by:   Thanks    PM
Score +8
"Infact the present watch/hidden tag system do have a Soft and hard gallery tag filter, based on the weight of tags you set.
see Soft and hard gallery tag filters chapter
If they still complain about the risky, I think they are deliberately to making things difficult for others."

Interesting. I didn't know that. But honestly this still goes under my original post of dumbass users upvoting/downvoting and affecting the weight. I can also see this being a tedious process of trial and error for users that are trying to use this system, since it is not easily intuitive on how much weight is "good". It's still better than nothing I suppose, but not quite what I desired. I feel a gallery's uploader should be the one to decide whether or not to add a cover and make the call on if a gallery is heavy or light guro as most uploaders aren't morons; for example, I'm sure the gallery uploader of Nanairo Reincarnation would not upload a cover since there's minimal guro. Again you're free to disagree, I just think guro is an exception to basically everything else on the site and should be treated as such.

"Sorry for making a misunderstanding. I downvote you just because I do not agree with the opinion that guro gallery should add a extra cover. I downvote every "add extra cover" review in guro galleries."

That's fine, you're entitled to your opinion. We can agree to disagree and I'm not gonna sneed over it. Was bored and came across this gallery so I figured I'd give my two cents.
Posted on 26 August 2022, 07:55 by:   baifengying    PM
Score +11
Posted on 28 August 2022, 02:26 by:   IndelibleGlacier    PM
Score +4
@baifengying R18G天生带减分Debuff
Posted on 04 September 2022, 05:51 by:   Wy4k    PM
Score +13
do people really rate 1 star because they don't like the specific fetish instead of judging by the actual content and art

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