Nintendo , Supw Nintendo Emefiakimcnrt System' and Ihe Official Seats ait Jegfestertd lEwtemarks « Nintendo ol America tec. 1991 Nintendo of America Inc. Battle Car^“ 1994 Nameo Homelek. tnc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Stofll. 4
Drivers £d. 5
Jump Start.. .6
Options. J
Background Chech.. 8-9
Tuia Plager Games. 10
Shopping..... ,JH2
Weapons.. 13
Screen Data. 14-15
Doss Radar. 16
Techniques. -1M9
Tactics. 20
Scroll Lack. 21
Hints. 22
Limited Warranfii.23
The excess of fhe industrial revolution mas doomed to haunt the earth, fls ihe aoth cen¬ tum faded into the 21st, the planet's largest economies mere focused on the service industry. Over population and fern environmental quality regulations created an exodus of traditional industry to less developed nations. Fueled uiith cheap labor, factories churned out consumer products uiith obsolete "dirty” machines purchased from the for¬ mer industrial giants. Each year billions of metric tons of pollution mere dumped into the biosphere. Global warming increased exponentially.
fls the 21st century progressed the greenhouse effect began to tahe its ugly toll. The polar ice caps melted at an ever increasing rate, international tensions rase with the water level at a time when the world had never been better armed. The end of Ihe cold war over a hundred years earlier saw huge arsenals of weapons sold at fire sale prices. Even Ihe smallest of countries could afford weapons capable of mass destruction, fls coastal cities sank under the oceans, people demanded action. Politically Ihe easiest solution was to point fingers and launch attacks against "environmental terrorists." Between global warming and global warfare the earth was forever changed.
The start of the 22nd century saw a true new world order Survivors of the devastation lived in city states. Technologically sophisticated and jaded by years of war the people demanded a new sport for their new age ...Battle aggression.. ..Battle Cars. Afforded the same popularity earlier cultures had given artists or pop musicians. Battle Car drivers are heroes. Their only rule is to win.
Battle Cars is not like any other racing game. Cruise through the following section to learn haw to control your car or you'll be another grease spot on the mad.
* Press left/fight to initiate Side Swipe [see Side Swipe section]
V button
• Press to select weapons
■ Press down for weak side swipe L button R billon * Press to steer left
• Press to accelerate.
* Hold the button down and the turbo will kick in.
R button
• Press to steer left Select button
* Release to slow down. 9 button
• Press to fire weapon
• Press to scroll tech [see Scroll Loch section for more details.]
Sturt Button
Press to pause during game play
Palish off this section to jump right into the action.
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node Screen
Title Screen
From the Title screen, press any button to advance to the Mode screen.
Press the Control Pad up/down to highlight '1 Player."
Press the Start button to advance to the Car Select Screen.
Press the Control Pad left/right to highlight a car
Press the Start button to enter qour selection and advance to the Car Color selection screen.
• Press the Control Pad left/right to highlight a p „. „ in _
Cor color Screen color.
* Press the Start button to enter qour selection and begin the game.
Car Select Screen
Deal oiilh this section to learn about some of the groovy choices you have iui!h this fine product. • From the Menu screen press the Control Pad to highlight Options.
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MDde Screen
• Press the B button to advance to the Option screen.
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Option Screen
• Press the Control Pad up/down to highlight the option you wish to change
• Press the Control Pad left/right to charge the highlighted option.
• Press the Start button to return to the Menu screen.
Difficulty Choose from Easy. Medium, and hard.
Effect Volume This option allows you to increase or decrease the volume uf the sound effects. The higher the number the louder the sound effects. Vs. Mode Laps Set the number of laps to be raced in Vs. mode.
Vs. Mode Boss Lets you ploy with or without a boss in Vs. mode.
Vs. Mode Weapons Plaq with only discs, no weapons or all weapons.
Vs. Mode Cars Play with totally powered-up cars or customize your own car. Scroll Loch Set this option to manual if you want to have control of the scroll loch feature [see Scroll Loch section for more details ]
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Take a Formula racer, the fire peuier of a main baffle tank. and mix if mifh the aggression of a wolverine and yon get Baffle Cars. Your goal is fo become the champion. To do this you'tl need fo beat all the offer Baffle Car jocks. Each race has fuia parts: cross country and the actual race.
Cross Country
You have to get to a track to race a boss. You guessed it. cross country is hour you get fo that boss, lifter the cold uiar the former super pouters gof together and built "Peace-Net." a ssfellife system that blanketed the globe. Its goal mas to destroy uteapons being used for acts of aggression.
Based on the destruction caused by World War Hi it didn't tuork very urell. However, the remnants of Peace-Net were appropriated by various city states to defend their turf. By definition a Battle Car is an act of aggression, so watch out for the Peace-Net satellites.
Battle Car cowboys love Peace-Net. They figure if you can't make it past Peace-Bet you aren't worth racing. It tends to meed out the unworthy Beyond surviving, cross country gives you ihe chance fo pick up money. There are two types of money: cash and credits.
Credits are awarded by finishing fhe cross country section quickly. They amount to corporate sponsorship. If you're fast you'll be guod PH for fhe companies. Credits can only be used for weapons Only the big corporations have weapons anymore ...So be nice to the suits or else.
Cash is awarded for blasting would-be Battle Car cowboys off the track. Each car you destroy is recorded by the 1.0 C.B. [International Battle Cars Hssociation] and salvaged. They credit your account. Use your cash to build your car.
Peace-Net Satellite
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Beat the Local Hero
Yes. it's show time, if you made it this far the local champion is obliged to race you You'll race two laps head-to-head, it's win or lose: there's no second place in fhe Battle Cars circuit!
Boss Screen
If you min. you'll be awarded some cash and credits and be off to fhe next area for another Cross Country race.
There are 9 levels, each mifh its own boss, background. Cross Country section, and Track race. Good Luck!!!!
There ere three nags to plan Battle Cars with more than one planer. Keep on reading to (earn all the juicy details
2 Planer Mode: Similar to the One planer game but unth fierce Iread-to-head competition Cross country is noiu a race between the two planers. The winner of the Cross Country race gets a nice little bonus and the first crsch at the boss. Both planers need to race the Boss, but only one of the planers needs to beat the boss to advance to the next level.
Vs Mode: Up to B players can compete in a "round robin" contest. The winner beeps dri¬ ving and the losers rotate, kin / loss records are hept for up to eight planers After each race, tbe planers have the option of adding or deleting planers, changing car attributes, changing cars, changing tracks, or exiting.
i fr'iajyeF £ Players avs, tlliurtf Options
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Tournament Mode: 4 or B players can compete in a single elimination tournament for the Battle Cars championship!!!
delect VS
Tournament Mode
This isn't like cruising the mail. Read on to learn bow to spend your green for the most effect.
To select upgrades;
• Press the Centro! Pad up/down to highlight the upgrade you wish to purchase.
• Press the B button to purchase the highlighted upgrade
• Press the V button to return to the action.
Types of Upgrades; There are three different categories of power-ups. Beep on reading to scope them out.
— Engine Speed—Pump up your engine to squeah ail the power out of if that you can.
— Turbo Speed—Get bigger and better turbos to Increase your top speed.
— Tire—Vou need these babies to get all that power to the road.
Weapons: Use weapons To blast enemies. Sounds fun, doesn't it?
Missiles—These monsters are heat seekers with high explosive warheads. They're a blast.
1 — Disks—Imagine a high-tech frishee filled with explosives.
— Grenades—These weapons pack a punch. When then lend on on enemii the!) punch through the weak roof shielding for maximum damage.
Handling: keeps pour car hugging the curves!
L Jump—Power-up gem jump to take to the skies. The more you have the higher gnu go.
— Shocks—Shocks are very important if you intend to jump. Weak shocks will keep gou bouncing up and down
Dampners—Critical. Before the world fell span, the global highway network installed a force field along all major roads In keep drivers on track and to cut down on noise pollution. fit Battle Car speeds hitting one of these fields will bounce your car around like a ping pong ball To prevent this a Battle Car cowbog invented dampners. These devices nullify fhe effect of the force fields, but the faster gou go the more dampners you need.
There are three types of weapons. These weapons are for defeating non-boss racers and slowing down the Posses. Bosses cannot he destroyed, hut shooting them slows them downlll
• Press the V button to select a weapon.
• Press the B button to fire a weapon.
Fairly weak, but they automatically home in on their target. Great for shearing on the horizon. Non-Boss Attack Power, 1/3 damage
weak, hut effective, this weapon wilt slow down enemies and make them spin out. Can you say chain reaction? Non-Boss Bllack power. 1/3 damage.
Very powerful, bur hard to aim. Practice makes this the best weapon for defeating ene¬ mies in Cross Country. Grenades don't slow a buss down significantly. You can control the range of fully powered-up grenades by holding the fire button down. Non-Boss attack power. 2/3 damage.
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Dead this section or non might end up in the ditch with a serious shortage of bandages.
Two Plager Life Bar Two Player Speed Into Player Weapon
is empty you're
history. The color of youi life bar indicates the status of your shield.
Vour rig comes equipped with a state of the art high impact energy absorption unit i.e.. a shield. When your shield is fully charged you bug n't tahe any damage. However, if you hit the edge of the frach too often you will start to tahe damage and more importantly lose speed.
Bright Bed;
Full charge. Collisions will cause no damage and edge collisions will not result in speed loss. After a collision the life bar will change color from bright red to darh red. If there are no additional collisions for 2 seconds qour shield will recharge and the life bar will return to bright red [fully charged status.]
Oath fled:
Partial shielding available. H collision will cause no damage Edge collisions will result in a speed drop from Turbo speed to Engine speed. After several collisions the life bar will change color to darh gray.
line Player Weapon -—
One Player Life Bar One Player Speed Player Oistance
Life Bor:
Indicates the number of hit points you have remaining. When the bar
Barit Gray;
No shielding and ns Turbo! Vour shield will automatically tahe power from the turbo to help recharge the shields. This means you won t have turbo speed until your shield has the chance to power up Rny collision will cause damage. After about 5 seconds your shield will recharge, your life bar will return to bright red. and you will have access to Turbo speed.
Indicates current speed.
Indicates weapon currently selected. After a weapon Is fired the icon will disappear while the weapon is recharging. Weapons can't be fired while they are recharging The icon wilt reappear when the weapon is charged and ready to fire.
Distance to Boss / Player 2 / End of Cross Country:
This number represents the distance between you and the boss, you and the end of the Cross Country segment, or you and player two in a two player game If the number is negative, you re behind the boss / player two. If the number is positive, you re ahead!!
When a bass is an your rail, sai] uiirhin shout IS car lengths. you'll see a small version of the boss's car on The bottom of the screen. As the boss moves closer to you. the car mill groin in size until it's the actual size of the boss's car. This means that the boss is about to pass yon. Not good, but ijDu'li get over it. This feature acts litre radar.
• Determine distance by the size of the car The bigger the car the closer the boss is to passing you.
• Track position The car moves left/right rnhen the boss does.
There are many techniques in Battle Cars. Some are obvious and some are not. The fol laming section is a must read for control freahs itching to learn some special moves.
There are three mays to turn in Battle Cars, along with a special 'Turn Loch'' technique foi experienced drivers. To race mith the champs, you'll need to master all of these turning techniques.
Sloui Turn:
• Press the L/fl button.
Medium Turn:
• Press the Control Pad left/right.
Hard Turn:
* Press the Control Pad right tuhile holding the L button for a hard right turn.
* Press the Control Pad left while holding the R button for a hard left turn.
Turn Loch:
• Initiate a HARD TURN.
• Release the L or R button to loch in yom turning radius.
• This takes practice, but once you get a handle on it. you can whip through high speed u-rums.
• Press the L and R huttons at the same time.
• As you pomei up your jumping ability mill increase.
• Jumping on a non-boss enemy mill inflict E/3 damage to your target.
• Jumping on a boss is not advised.
Side swipe Left/Hight:
This Is me bear Technique in The game Thine hit and run! Now you have The concept. This maneuver damages The enemy and causes Them To spin out. Handy if a boss is on your Tail. There are lino Types of side suiipes:
Weak Side Swipe:
* While holding The Control Pad doum press The H burton To side snipe right
* While holding The Control Pad doum press Ihe L button To side snipe left.
• fl lueah side sinipe inflicts 1/3 damage.
Strong Side Swipe:
• Press The Control Pad left while holding the R button Tu side snipe right.
• Press The Control Pad right while holding The L button To side swipe left.
• This attach inflicts 2/3 damage
Instant Reverse:
In Battle Cars alt of your weapons shoot forward. Instant reverse allows you to spin around and blast tail galers without losing any speed
• While holding Ihe Control Pad down, press the L and R buttons.
• Heep holding Ihe l and H buttons to stay reversed
• While reversed all steering will he bachwards!
• Release the L and R buttons to spin forward.
Airborne Reverse
• While jumping [ by pressing the L and R buttons] press the Control Pad down.
Quickly resolving a reversed situation:
Vdu will occasionally find yourself traveling in Ihe iwong direction This is not good!! The stop and turn: Slow but sure. Good fur grannies and greenhorns!
• Press the X button to slam on the brahes.
* Initiate a HRHD TORN.
Only for hard-core adrenaline freaks!
• While bolding the fl button [gas] tap the X button [brake]
• Initiate a HflflD TJRH
• Takes some practice, but it lets you turn fast and hard.
vdu need to defeat enemies in the Class Country section of each level In get enough cash to bug power-tips for (jour car so that gnu'll he fast enough to beat the boss. You also need to finish the Cross Country sections fast enough to earn credits to power-up gour weapons. You don't have to be a rochet scientist to figure out that this means gou have to maximize the body count and minimize the time. The techniques below will help gou do just that.
1. Shoot them! Simple and direct, but time consuming. It tabes three hits from a weapon to destroy an enemy.
t The Dish Shift; hs you approach a non-boss enemy, shoot them with a dish, turn slightly right or left, then shift left or right into them as they spin past you!!!!
3. Grenade instant reverse: This one is nearly impossible, but it's very satisfying when you mahe i! uiorh! Shoot an enemy with a grenade. Its you are about to pass them, instant reverse in the air and get ready to pop off a dish when you land in front of them. Cool! Jumping on the enemy after a grenade hit is also a good way to go
There are mang other combinations of attachs for defeating enemies. Remember, offen¬ sive driving pays!
Ak| ikU/
lise this feature to change your cars position on the screen.
• From the Option screen press the Control Pad up/down to highlight Scroll Loch.
• Press the Control Pad left/right to highlight Manual
• Press the Start button to return to the Menu screen.
• Begin the game.
• During game play press the Control Pad up/doum while holding the select button To move your car up/doum on the screen.
Scroll Locked
Heed 'em if you need'em
). Balance ijour buys! Keep your Tires and dampeners on a par with your engine/turbo. All that pouier wont get you anyiuhere it you're bouncing around the track
B, You can nicB an edge and not lose speed if your life bar is bright red. Remembei this, and use it to pass other cars, or take U-turns at Turbo speed.
3. When racing a boss, shoot them with a dish immediately, just off the starting line.
This should give you an early edge.
4 Pouter up your weapons in This order: Disk. Missile. Grenade. You'll figure out why!
S. Use the boss radar! Stay in front! Don't let them pass. If they do pass you. be ready to nail them with a dish!
G Learn how each boss attacks. They're all different. Watch and learn. You can do any move you see and you'll see a lot.
7. in the latei stages of the game, non-boss enemies will become more aggressive. Power-up as soon as possible or you'll be dust.
a. Have fun!! Beat the game on hard, you'll find a little gift we've left for you!!!
Namco Hometeh. Inc. warrants to the original purchaser that this Karnes Hometek. Inc. Game Pah shall be free from defects in material and uiorhmanship for a period of ninety [90] days from the date of purchase If a defect covered by this limited warranty occurs during this 90-day limited warranty period. Namco Hometeh. Inc. will repair or replace the defective Game Pah or component part, at its option, free of charge.
This limited warranty does not apply if the defects have been caused by negligence, accident, unreasonable use, modification, tampering, or any other cause nut related to detective material or uiorhmanship.
Rny applicable implied warranties, including warranties of merchant ability and fitness for a particular purpose, are hereby limited to ninety [90] days from the date of pur¬ chase and aie subject to the conditions set forth herein. In no event shall Namco Hometeh, Inc. be liable for consequential or incidental damages resulting from the pos¬ session or use of this product.
The provisions of fhe limited warranty are valid in the United States only. Some stales do not allow limitations on how long an implied warraoty lasts, or exclusion of conse¬ quential or incidental damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This limited warranty provides you with specific legal rights. You may have other rights which vary from state to state
Send inquiries to;
Namco Hometeh. Inc. ISO Charcot Byre.. Suite II San Jose. DR 9S13H102 [408] 922-0712