Posted on 24 August 2022, 06:51 by:
Bfodler Base +8, Tomzai +7, cybeast93 +19, Deiser +6, as102 +12, the dru one +7, Ildzmer +7, Miko Neko +7, 0psi +6, icesonic +8
Base +6, Onthorm +7, Hardart +5, as102 +12, the dru one +7, Kues -6, SpaceNinja +7, Ildzmer +7, Grimm The Gremlin -6, smileyrat +6, luzup +6, Power of Void +7, Darker7 +7, and 1 more...
Base +9, Tomzai +7, Matr457 +5, cynamonbunz +38, WombatPrime +6, Ildzmer +7, smileyrat +6, Miko Neko +7, luzup +6, W1slicer -6, Darker7 +7
Posted on 29 September 2022, 01:59 by:
cadaada2 Score
Base +6, smileyrat -6, charly4994 -7, shinigamifenris -6, m42a -18, 0psi -6, the dru one -7, Onthorm -7, Haxton Fale -6, reroda -14