Posted on 01 September 2022, 07:23 by: mysterymeat3
Uploader Comment
Visit my site at if you want to commission something, create or donate to any crowdfunds, or just want to read over a thousand trap translations. NOTE that I've opened non-trap commissions for a very limited time. It's first come, first serve, so if you're interested check the site for my email and get it in quick.
The first part of a story about a son finding out his father is a homo slave...and then joining him. Unfortunately, I have no plan to accept a commission for the second part. The editing is too egregious for something I'm personally not interested in. I didn't hate this, it's just not my cup of tea. I still would've taken part two if the editing wasn't a million times worse than this one. Oh well.
Base +19, Mistermd -6, SteamyHourglass -5, HighHeals +6, NewhalfIsMale +10
Posted on 02 September 2022, 06:05 by: thekiller2413
Score -4
@Look A Moth
Mystery meat usually focuses more on traps and shota stuff I believe, not full on trans/shemale. You can try and file a commission for that but I don't imagine they'll just randomly do that series for free.
Base +6, HighHeals -6, Mistermd +6, NewhalfIsMale -10
It's a darn shame. I quite like this narrative, and if Mysterymeat isn't interested in translating the artist's work anymore, we may very well never see anything from them in English again.