I'm reminded of Zummeng's character Luna from the 'Tree of Life' series, a goddess who leads a kind and benign rule over everyone in creation, and they in turn can't think of a more appropriate and respectful title for her than 'Mother'. If someone wanted to take that concept and sexualize it, it really would've benefitted from her taking care of her "child" here without actually turning him into one. She can lead him back on the path that he needs to find to get back home, but in the meantime, the only means of nourishment she has to offer is her own breastmilk. Of course he feels incredibly awkward about this strange woman's strange offer, but he can't help but succumb to her charms, it takes no time at all for his defenses to fall, and he feels like he can trust her in anything and everything. Despite how he doesn't know her at all, he just KNOWS that she'll make everything better, just like a mother is supposed to. Sexy hijinks ensue (the embarrassment of him being aroused by this friendly stranger compounded exponentially by him seeing her as the mother figure she wants to project), and she eventually helps him back to where he needs to be. But he can't leave her. He's only been in her presence a few hours, but he feels an inexplicable sense of panic at the thought of losing her. How can he go on without her?? She calms him (like she does), telling him that this is just the way of the world, that all 'children' must one day leave their mothers. All they can do is cherish the time they've had together as they make it on their own in the big, scary world. But, she reminds him... there's no reason why he can't come back and visit her. She'll always be here for him, just like a good mother should be. They have their heartfelt, erotic goodbye, he goes back to his regular life, and she disappears back into the forest, awaiting the next lost soul in need of a 'mother'.
But... taking a grown man who's already frightened for his life, turning him into a helpless baby, and keeping him for yourself? That's just messed up.