Synopsis: Young exorcists get their bodies stolen by low level succubus demons. They then fall to their succubus instincts and are kept as sex slaves by the succubi now in their original bodies.
The idea of the antagonist stealing the protagonist's body and then imprisoning them is nothing new, but the particular execution is still pretty hot nonetheless.
See these: - /g/567554/37368a4d37/ (Taniguchi-san) - /g/678770/0eb14837cc/ (Taniguchi-san, even has the same "can't speak human without necklace" gimmick just with the genders reversed and orcs instead of succubi) - /g/743276/789466836d/ (Tira) For just a few examples of very similar setups to this one.
Also, the transition from P26-27 is super abrupt but it is this way in the original.
The plot is the exact same as that Taniguchi story with the orcs (complete with one needing a collar to speak) but changing the genders this time is a new one
Base +6, MurkForte +6, Pätemätön +6
Posted on 06 September 2022, 17:32 by: final dream
Score +11
Base +5, ominea +6
Posted on 06 September 2022, 18:16 by: ArmourYanlong