Posted on 07 September 2022, 13:40 by:
rookie84 Posted on 07 September 2022, 14:49 by:
Zegien Score
Base +6, darkwing42 +47, mosefeng +6, Tryndamere95 +17, cupcakee +6, shuntensatsu +16, 44inf +6, 海想列車 +23, MechWarriorNY +10, Sylph FFR +8
Base +6, mosefeng +6, shuntensatsu +16, 44inf +6, MechWarriorNY +10, jason12052011 +7
Base +6, RcHXIX +4, darkwing42 +47, mosefeng +6, Romi the Byzantine +7, Tryndamere95 +17, Simon9000 +6, shuntensatsu +16, plexorz +9, RyuuHawke +6, 44inf +6, DJ_Puchuu +16, MechWarriorNY +10, and 3 more...
Base +6, mosefeng +6, Romi the Byzantine +7, shuntensatsu +16, Almighty19 +6, plexorz +9, burnabus +6, jason12052011 +7, Deus Xongwei +2
Base +8, Romi the Byzantine +7, Simon9000 +6, shuntensatsu +16, Mr. Null +7, 44inf +6, somethine +6, MechWarriorNY +10, SuperStickman22 +6, Eden of Shirock +6, jason12052011 +7
Posted on 09 September 2022, 13:35 by:
huiyjuez Score
Base +5, Romi the Byzantine +7
Posted on 24 October 2022, 18:28 by:
rvone Score
Base +6, Romi the Byzantine +7, MechWarriorNY +10, Eden of Shirock +6, jason12052011 +7