I will be posting all the chapters as this is my one of favorites. You can recommend more to me be contacting me (details at the end). As of now I am working for free and will accept request (NO NTR PLEASE, FOR FUCK'S SAKE!).
I also need a guy who can typeset the text for me as I am not so professional at it.
Contact details: •[email protected] (Email) •iSlack#5796 (Discord, don't use much) •@Official_47seconds_Scans (Telegram, I am always available at Telegram)
[Post this Dojin translation in *****, as the guys over there are waiting for it.]
there were several lines that felt loosely TLed but I figured I'd just mention the ones that stood out the most imo. most of it could probably (barely) slide by if you took care of the awkward phrasing, typos, etc on pretty much on every single page including the ones pointed out by Mr_Person
002 OG: いってらっしゃい… TL: "That's a relief. Well then I'm taking my leave..." ED: it's more along the lines of "Have a safe journey", I think you just mixed up the speaker when you TLed since the TL doesn't really fit well and you might need to adjust the next panel too if I'm right about my assumption
OG: いってくる TL: "Yeah, bye" ED: might be nitpicky but something like "I'm off" would probably fit better, esp given the speaker mixup from the prev panel
007 OG: あの女か… TL: (untranslated) ED: should be along the lines of "[So it's] that woman/So that's the girl...[?]"
OG: んなこたいいって! TL: "Why even bother?" ED: "Doesn't matter!" or "I don't care!"/"Who cares?" is much clearer
008 OG: へへ…っ動くなよ TL: "Hehe. Now now, don't start crying, babe" ED: should be "move" not "start crying"
OG: その格好でうろついてちゃ二の轍踏むぜ TL: "If you hang around in that outfit, you'll end up making." ED: You should explicitly mention the "mistake" he refers to along with the implication of how things ended up poorly for the other guys (or something along those lines). Even if he abbreviates a lot in his speaking throughout the whole work, the gist is still clear. Cutting words out from English in the same way doesn't work as well
010 OG: いいか? TL: "Now" ED: "Okay?" with the intent being ("do you understand"). It makes more sense when the thought in the previous panel is fully complete
013 OG: 魔法も使えない、出来損ないなのに TL: "I can't use magic, even a single cent," ED: "I can't use magic, I'm a failure"
014 OG: 俺も / 焼きが回ったか TL: "I should rest too. / Maybe I burned myself out too." ED: "Maybe I'm losing my edge too" (maybe nitpicky but more accurate imo)
017 OG: にしても、あんたが女の子連れて戦から帰ってくるなんてね TL: "But, at any rate, how you meet such a beauty while returning from the war?" ED: "Still, I never thought you'd return from war with a girl [in tow]" (kinda nitpick)
020 OG: ちゃんと前見て歩けうすのろ! TL: "are you blind!? Walk properly!" ED: "Watch where you're going, you dimwit!" I think this is more accurate and preserves the tone
022 OG: あの女、耳尖ってない? TL: "That girl. Can she even listen?" ED: "That girl's ears are pointed aren't they?" I think you misread her ears "being sharp" and thought it meant her hearing ability instead of their physical shape
024 OG: 仕方ない、いつものこと…そう思って何百年と我慢してきた TL: "There's nothing I can do" I always said to myself for, who knows have many centuries" ED: dropped detail (that's how she endured it for centuries)