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Magic : The Gathering - Legends - A Visual History

Posted:2022-10-06 10:24
File Size:482.2 MiB
Length:186 pages
Favorited:236 times
Average: 4.78

Showing 1 - 40 of 186 images

Posted on 06 October 2022, 10:35 by:   teaganricardo    PM
Score +4
Posted on 06 October 2022, 14:27 by:   Pseudo-Nim    PM
Score +68
Ah, yes - a charming saga of camel farts, glorifying sociopathy, and making you feel that the racist scumbag megalomaniac created solely to fill the place of one-dimensional Big Evil Villain is the most worthy character among them all, much more humane, humble, clever, and - with no exaggeration - unquestionably good than any of the so-called "heroes".

Gods Below, to this day I struggle to put into meaningful words the degree to which I despise modern MTG writing in general, and 'The Gatewatch Saga' in particular.

I still remember how WOTC pranced about, ranting how 'The Wetherlight Saga' and 'The Brothers' War' are meaningless and useless remnants of the past that will never be even mentioned again, only to turn around and drag thouse stories back when their precious crew of Random Sues repeatedly managed to produce nothing but mockery and shitty memes.
And the less said about what they done to Teferi - the better.
This is "Watchmen" all over again, defiled and abused, turned into a skinsuit for a monstrous entity made entirely out of excrements and rotten semen, so the bland and simplistic "brand recognition" would be in place instead of actual content - for quality does not pay.


The art is good, though.
Sweatshop artists are certaingly working well.
Posted on 06 October 2022, 16:04 by:   KiDAciDic    PM
Score +29
I don't think they are "sweatshop" artists. At least not in the last decade. I follow a lot of past and present MTG artists on twitter and they seem to have had pretty chill experiences with the work they were commissioned for. On top of that, they get to do their work from all over the world. Whether they get fair residuals from their work, I have no clue. I didnt know there was a deep story to MTG, just assumed it was tacked on and constantly retconned to sell new sets like toy manufacturers do.
Posted on 09 October 2022, 23:03 by:   JunyaK    PM
Score +4
This book is hard to find. So, I'm very thankful for CeeRuata for uploading it here.

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