Base +3, loogutsp -8, shooooot -6, Forget Tenno -6, wxl212 -6, lincbky -5, 米娜桑ぁ -6, LordJintian -6, yhl9451 +4, 習近平 +37
Base +6, eisant +8, poiuytrewqazx +20, chaoqji +6, haoba113 +4, Darksnowhcy +5, 8476411 +13, scf123 +19, scarletammmo +6, No VPNs +6, badass sorcerer +5, YukiKaede +6, 習近平 -30, and 25 more...
Base +1, chaoqji +6, scf123 +19, scarletammmo +6, badass sorcerer +5, YukiKaede +6, Zbc259 +3, 習近平 -30, mrk4869 +6, wxl212 +6, GayMa -26, lincbky +5, Harry5193 +6, and 2 more...
Base +5, chaoqji +6, 8476411 +13, scf123 +19, scarletammmo +6, ningnig +6, 0r1ca +6, zaqw6414 +7, LalalaB +6, Zbc259 +3, 習近平 -30, dashiluomu +6, Crossflash +6, and 19 more...
Posted on 14 October 2022, 03:01 by:
fsyx Score
Base +14, ohiyo345 +9, 習近平 -30, sky keeper +9, xuchebgz +6, Trueblue1 +15, linkcutre321 +6, 路西法教徒 +6, bluewin +7, wxl212 +6, lincbky +5, LordJintian +6, 虚无摘星辰 +6, and 4 more...
Posted on 14 October 2022, 06:03 by:
fanxi233 Score
Base +5, ningliheng +1, lincbky +5, oid_in_new1984 +4, Pongyuyang +2
Posted on 14 October 2022, 09:00 by:
KBrO3 Score
Base +6, LalalaB +6, 習近平 -30, Crossflash +6, Qunka +6, CharaMercer +6, mrk4869 +6, 8476411 +13, 60309 +3, bluewin +7, wxl212 +6, GayMa -26, MeeeoU +3, and 12 more...
Posted on 14 October 2022, 11:39 by:
呐喊吧 Score
Base +6, mrk4869 +6, 萝莉控兼大叔 +7, scf123 +19, lincbky +5, Harry5193 +6, sotzot +6
Posted on 14 October 2022, 16:25 by:
wayen124 Score
Base +6, linkcutre321 +6, 習近平 -30, mrk4869 +6, 萝莉控兼大叔 +7, bluewin +7, Forget Tenno +6, wxl212 +6, scf123 +19, lincbky +5, zsqvvss +2, Harry5193 +6, 甚是悠哉也 +4, and 1 more...
Posted on 15 October 2022, 08:34 by:
kgjute Score
Base +4, bluewin +7, 習近平 -30, Forget Tenno +6, wxl212 +6, YD无限 +6, PirateFlag +6, scf123 +19, 悲惨的牧师 +2, xiucar +6, WooooZoo +8, lincbky +5, zsqvvss +2, and 3 more...