Not my scans, but cleaned up in some ways to make a bit more legible. The integrity is still there all the same. This is peak Toei precision, and it won't be replicated ever again I feel. Kazuo's character design skills and re-imagining of Go Nagai's work is legendary.
These are not typical xeroxes; all of these are the original, hand drawn pages done by Kazuo. The few that are Xeroxes are documents used internally for animation staff at the time as they show their age.
Sources: (sold for 2 million yen, or $13,407.20!)
If you'd like to help me buy more texts to scan, I'd appreciate it! I am currently sourcing books that would be meaningful to the community at large. If you have suggestions, please contact me.:
Yo, Chris!! I happened to find MORE of them setteis!! Well, a bit tbh: