Rape's hot, bondage is hot, story makes me feel like dogshit. That's an Olga doujin, alright. FGO, if you're ever going to do anything right in your miserable gacha life, then please, save this girl. I don't care how you do it, just make it happen.
@Zakuzelo And hopefully not one of those shitty "mercy kill so she can finally be at peace" savings
I want fully-revived (possibly as a Mash-like demi-servant) Olga-Marie that gets a chance to live her life and find her own dreams and be happy. I WILL ACCEPT NOTHING LESS NASU
Maybe she got caught in Shiba's ergosphere? It's supposed to be like a black hole, right? I think chaldeas can un-spaghettify stuff, hell, DaVinci could probably do it fairly easily.