/g/2239512/3fd2d3b9ab/ ———————————————— 说真的,我们不是汉化组,只是顶着汉化组名号干事的人罢了。 还是那句话,如果你有能力去购买正版的话你就去吧! Eastern Res Chinese localization Group 对于汉化组建议请发以下邮箱:[email protected] ———————————————— 若存在操作失误,请及时反馈,感谢! ————————————————
So, some girl from another dimension comes into ours, ingests a potion that makes her grow gigantic, stomps around a bit and leaves through a portal? Well that's pretty random... Maybe if i could read that would tell us more. Maybe she made the potion and chose our world to test it i guess...