Images generated with NovelAi. This is part of an ongoing experiment to do storytelling with the help AI-generated images.
In this chapter, I believe the images turned out better overall. I realized I goofed and didn't do a couple of required tweaks to the model, so no wonder I struggled to get good enough results even after generating so many variations (probably went through like 200~500 images for each page, lol)
Ironically, it's the negative comments here that pushed me to recheck my methodology and realize some mistakes. I'm sure this chapter will also receive flak like the previous ones, but at least, this is a good metric for me to know whether I'm getting closer at all to an "acceptable" work.
Good to see that you finally saw that you messed something up. Images looks way better now (but looks still bad) than the other galleries you uploaded.
/s/f599f4e386/2374879-19 The text in the first two boxes are blurry. The text in box 3 is clear. (btw with a spelling mistake "wan't")
The blurry text was supposed to represent a "hazy" mind, but I guess it's not clear enough. Should've probably used a different method to convey that, or maybe didn't bother at all in this minimalistic format. I consider switching to a more webtoon-ish format for the next chapter, so maybe that'll help.