Base +8, Thranos -7, Tryndamere95 +16, DianaPrince -5, Retsuyama +8, shadowmarios +7, qwerty98765 +6, The Stars Like Dust -9, Serefin -6, artvrvs +4, Mr. Possession -6, Leon979 -6, Crosswire -6, and 5 more...
Base +17, Thranos -7, Tryndamere95 +16, DianaPrince -5, shadowmarios +7, danielwain +9, AmITooLate +6, Widdlywham -6, Serefin -6, mmp442 +6, Argamis SilverComet +6, Mr. Possession -6, generickitty +6, and 3 more...
Posted on 21 April 2022, 10:48 by:
ElisaG Score
Base +23, Kraftz +6, DianaPrince +5, Hardart +4, shadowmarios +7, afrizal82 +6, Argamis SilverComet +6, Serena Lea +7, jwhoof -6, artvrvs +4, Renalo -9, asdfoiosadf +7, waphul102 +6
Base +6, Kraftz +6, Retsuyama +8, NekoTaiho +7, shadowmarios +7, 101fatman +6, yamato69 +6, eskhahe +6, mmp442 +6, Serena Lea +7, sonia82sarkar +6, Crosswire +6, artvrvs +4, and 6 more...
Base +6, juan19chp +7, Widdlywham -6, eskhahe -6, thebeginingoftheend +7, sonia82sarkar +6, DianaPrince -5, smileyrat +6, Crosswire -6, artvrvs +4, evilfuzzyman +6, Renalo +9, asdfoiosadf +7, and 8 more...
Posted on 22 April 2022, 02:27 by:
jennmp Score
Base +6, yupokamusi -7, eskhahe +6, afrizal82 +6, Mr. Possession +6, Kalebe70 +6, Renalo -9, Volttekka -6, Martjn +6, ffluver25 -6, Barethor -6, Arugavis -6
Posted on 22 April 2022, 19:08 by:
melekain Score
Base +7, Renalo +9, FullyOtaku +7, fscbnmcdm245 +6, Volttekka -6, Barethor -6
Base +6, Mr. Possession +6, DianaPrince +5, artvrvs +4, Renalo -9, Volttekka -6
Posted on 22 November 2022, 10:35 by:
karachi Score
Base +6, Renalo +9, FullyOtaku +7, asdfoiosadf +7, waphul102 +6, Petite7_AG +6, Astartes91 +5, akh666 +6, borkenbea +12, Thebobby1 +6, Volttekka +6, Serefin -6, Barethor +6, and 3 more...
Base +4, Volttekka -6, Estifur -6
Base +6, Volttekka -6, Estifur -6
Posted on 23 November 2022, 01:40 by:
gbf-kun Score
Base +6, Volttekka -6, Estifur -6, WiND221 +7
Posted on 13 March 2024, 20:26 by:
Glirper Score
Base +6