Pfff. Its Just all for issei sake end his life. For issei sake lets make him suffer and for issei sake he dont need have Kids cuz its not good for issei have Kids for issei sake he should raise malik Kids. Wtf is that? Who is dumb enough for create ntr story like this give me 5 minute and write ten times better ntr story. Wtf is that?
It took the self-proclaimed harem king 3 seasons to get into his girls pussy. Harem leads like him who can't get a date without help, can't fuck one of his girls that asked him then fight the obviously terrible fiance, can only get girls because "muh nice guy", and so beta he has to ask her boobs if she likes him. are made for this. why would you want these semen demons to starve?
Base +6, Koaen +39, Pachris +9, Raiya95 -13, Toni95 -6