Another day, another time-stop story pulled out of upload purgatory. This is from the group '自由出版 / Jiyuu Shuppan' (apparently translates to 'Freestyle Publishing' or something like that in English), and is one of their more recent works from late March 2022. Weirdly enough, this group had a 9-year gap in-between works with the last one on this site being uploaded in 2013-14 (is it normal for doujin circles to go on hiatus for so long?) Anyways, enjoy. . . .
Still here? Alright, here's a little storytime from me about how much more difficult I made things for myself while trying to buy this work. This doujin was on my watchlist for a while, and I finally picked it up after seeing it was on discount from Digiket (compared to DLsite and DMM). Only problem was, I don't live in Japan, and buying things from that site outside the country seemed almost impossible. Most if not all of their payment options required connections to a bank or some service based in Japan, and the only way I could feasibly send money to these guys was through their cryptocurrency option. Yep, today's hentai is brought to you by Bitcoin. I bought it for the first time, and I still feel kinda scammed. Anyways, I'll probably try to buy a few more discounted things from Digiket in the next few weeks. But speaking of money, I do feel like I should probably slow down my spending a bit. I'm not starving or anything, but I've just been impulse buying things I'm interested in and haven't bothered to set a budget yet. Anybody have any thoughts on how much they spend when it comes to uploads?