This gallery goes oldest to newest. Filenames contain the year and month the works were posted.
This gallery contains Kiwata's Fantia works from June 2022 and on. September of 2017 to May of 2022 are in the Part 1 gallery here.
Every set/work with a "textful" and textless version has the textful suffixed with an 'a' and the textless suffixed with a 'b'. So, if you want an archive of the textful/textless gallery, delete all the works with an 'a' or 'b' in the name. Occasionally the only textful version has the big pink heart censors, but that's just how they were included in the set, sorry. Works with no different versions don't have any suffix so do with those what you want.
This gallery has seemingly all of kiwata's old, deleted pixiv's works, their new pixiv works, and some of the heavily censored stuff that this gallery has the less censored versions of.
p.s. thanks to a40612a for pointing out that 2 posts from March 2018 were missing. The month was only partially uploaded to kemono, so I've bought that backnumber to add them. If this happened with any other months just comment and I'll see it eventually.
Posted on 27 December 2022, 09:09 by: dashieswings
Score +33
Part one is not available, says it has been deleted
Base +5, sfu666666 +4, Metalicca +6, ThamKanu +6, darkpenetrator69 +12