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Enslaved Hu Tao - Chapter Two (English)

原神【奴役胡桃 第二话】

Posted:2022-12-28 21:38
Language:English  TR
File Size:7.08 MiB
Length:13 pages
Favorited:83 times
Average: 1.29

Showing 1 - 13 of 13 images

Posted on 26 December 2022, 06:36 by:   rsx205    PM
Score +91
OG: 這很明顯是誰的狗啊!主人的任務罷了
TL: "This is obviously someone's bitch! It's just a task for the master"
ED: the 2nd part is the speaker saying the master isn't fulfilling their responsibility

OG: 假陽具,灌肠液和跳蛋嗎...
TL: "Dildos, enemas and dildos"
ED: Dildos, enema fluid, and vibrators...

OG: 你的主人還挺會的嘛,你很性福哦
TL: "Your master is quite good at it, you are very happy"
ED: missing huge detail about her being sexually satisfied

OG: 母狗小姐,我現在就給您準備東西了
TL: Miss bitch, I'm going to get you something now
ED: specifically the things mentioned earlier, not just "something"

OG: 母狗小姐,我要放進去了噢
TL: "Miss bitch, put it in and I'll take it"
ED: she's announcing that she's gonna put them in now

OG: 還有一根哦,給你放一起吧
TL: "There's one more. Oh, here, put it together"
ED: tone difference, "There's one more. Here, I'll put them all together for you"

OG: 接下來是灌肠液,母狗小姐加油。
TL: Next up is an enema, go miss bitch.
ED: you could probably TL "go miss bitch" a little better like "do your best" or even "hang in there"

OG: 難道就這樣一直下去了嗎...
TL: Is this the way to go on forever?
ED: "Is this just how it's gonna go..."

OG: 不...這樣絕對...不行
TL: No...this is way!
ED: your MTL struggles with broken sentences. it's just "no...this definitely won't work" or "no...absolutely not"

OG: 黃昏了,カ什麼胡桃還沒有回來?
TL: "It's dusk, why isn't walnut back yet?"
ED: do they really call her walnut and not hu tao?? I genuinely don't know but I can't find any evidence of it. everyone just calls her hu tao

OG: 也許她被路人輪姦了?或者可能已經在路上高潮到動不了了也說不定呢。
TL: "Maybe she was gang raped by a passerby. Or maybe she's already on her way to orgasm and can't move. What's the point?"
ED: "Maybe she was gang raped by strangers/passers-by. Or maybe on her way back, she came so hard she couldn't move anymore."

OG: 不,刻晴,她已經...
TL: "No, Kagome, she has... .."
ED: do they really call her Kagome and not Keqing?

OG: 既然你們這麼對我...我就不得不...
TL: "Since you have treated me so...I just had to..."
ED: tense mixup esp given more context on the following page. "Since you treated me like this...I'll have to..."

OG: 對你們進行報復了!等著瞧吧!
TL: "It's payback for you! Wait and see!"
ED: this is a continuation from the previous page. "[I'll have to] get my revenge on you! Just wait and see!"
Last edited on 29 December 2022, 19:24.
Posted on 27 December 2022, 05:38 by:   Forties    PM
Score -100
I already know that the idiots running this hellsite will not do anything, but something needs to be about the QC and spam of this shitty overrated "game" being flooded. The vast majority of it has been extremely low quality CGs and now translations. There's zero artistry involved in almost all of this.
Posted on 28 December 2022, 22:49 by:   Waitugreat    PM
Score +47
If you don't want to see Genshin Impact stuff: Just blacklist it. /mytags

For more informations see
Posted on 29 December 2022, 03:57 by:   Forties    PM
Score -75

Shut the fuck up. This is becoming a massive problem now. Where's the technical skill in this? Where's the talent? There's no love with this. You're actively courting and enabling these kinds of uploads. This is just spam now.

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