Base +8, JianYao +4, Bor86688 -14, ncyphe -8, D-FRY -8, Just Passing Through +6, Zorlond -6, MrCrazyDeakon -6, Amnesia Skye -6, xcrunner98 +5, Masough +6, GTSlover23 -6, greeneryfascin +6, and 9 more...
Base +9, minin43 -5, Bor86688 -14, D-FRY -8, Just Passing Through +6, Zorlond -6, MrCrazyDeakon -6, Amnesia Skye -6, xcrunner98 +5, Masough +6, GTSlover23 -6, greeneryfascin +6, D4nybd -6, and 10 more...
Base +6, MrCrazyDeakon +6, Pelleelle +8, D4nybd +6, Drax -8, White Joker -27
Base +7, Just Passing Through +6, Zorlond -6, MrCrazyDeakon -6, Amnesia Skye -6, xcrunner98 +5, Masough +6, GTSlover23 -6, uberkoala -6, Drax -8, 唯二指定空气桑 +3, White Joker +27, lonewanderer101 -7, and 1 more...
Base +6, Pelleelle +8, xcrunner98 +5, Masough +6, GTSlover23 -6, greeneryfascin +6, Steeldragon493 +6, D4nybd -6, 唯二指定空气桑 +3, White Joker +27, lonewanderer101 -7
Base +6, akalambrado +6, mercs2 -6, Drax +8, White Joker -27, alonzo999 +9, Kildozer +3, mr--clean +6
Posted on 10 March 2023, 03:50 by:
kiwino Score
Base +14