disregarding the fact that this is done on the scanmarked Chinese TL, some of the dialogue is pretty embellished or rewritey from the first 20 or so pgs I read
002 OG: 朝はカフェオレだよね TL: "You drink instant coffee in the mornings, right?" ED: cafe au lait, not instant coffee
OG: 今日は粉のやつじゃなくて一から入れてあげる TL: "I'll brew you one from scratch instead." ED: missing detail, here is where he says he won't use powdered stuff
003 OG: あ…卵も一個しかないや TL: "Ah...not a single egg." ED: he's saying there's only one egg
006 OG: それに掃除は朝僕がやった TL: "You know, I'll do the house chores so you don't have to do anything, Sis" ED: he's saying he already did some cleaning in the morning anyway
008 OG: 何かあったらすぐに言ってね TL: "So if anything happens please tell me right away, okay?" ED: he's telling her to let him know if she needs anything
OG: 約束だよ… TL: "I've made an appointment..." ED: they're making a promise
011 OG: お小遣いあげてるよね? TL: "You need pocket money, right? I'll give it to you" ED: he's rhetorically asking about the money he already gives her
OG: これ以上澄透に迷惑かけたくないの TL: "I'll listen to you more!" ED: she's saying she doesn't want to be a bother for Sumiyuki
OG: 僕は迷惑なんて思ってない… TL: "You're not listening" ED: he's saying he doesn't think of her as a bother
013 OG: 何?それ… / 聞いてないんだけど… TL: "For a part-time job?" / "I told you I would not allow it. Also, didn't I teach you not to lie?" ED: made up dialogue, all he says is he didn't hear anything about it
014 OG: ガチャ… TL: "GAH!" ED: this is sfx for the door
018 OG: …僕はね / 姉さんのことが好きだよ TL: "You're my reason for living." / "Sis you see..." ED: he just confesses here
OG: 恋愛対象としての好き TL: "...I love you." ED: he's making it clear that he loves her as a woman (which he reiterates in the last bubble)
021 OG: 姉さんの肌は綺麗だね… TL: "I've always wanted to stroke your skin like this, but I held back." ED: he just says she has beautiful skin
OG: この体もずっと / 僕のもの… TL: "There's no need for that anymore, right?" / "Or rather, there never was. This body belongs to me." ED: he just says her body will be his forever