Raw: /g/2431138/61849d7095/ (Uploaded by the creator) https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/104428670
完全用爱发电。如果我的汉化作品对您的著作权等权益产生了影响,请发邮件到yzc7895123@126.com。个人汉化风格比较接地府,会在不影响阅读和理解的基础上尝试玩梗,如果没get到点提前致歉xwx Completely unprofitable. If my translation works cause any harmful effects to your copyright or other rights, please inform me of this by sending e-mail to yzc7895123@126.com .
Tip: The artist is Indonesian according to the profile on Pixiv, so this needs to be classified under [Doujinshi], rather than [Western].
Thank you for your contact with me! If you are free recently, please email me through the email address in my uploader comment. I hope I can do you a favor. Thanks very much!
已取得联系,感谢各位关心! We have already contacted, thanks for everyone's concern!