Forces of Evil: A Todexian Almanach Page 1384: The Slytk'ch Illustration shows an adult male Slytk'ch seeking out potential mates. Forces of Evil: A Todexian Almanach Page 1384: The Slytk'ch Illustration shows an adult male Slytk'ch seeking out potential mates.
For my Patreon Art Project!~
[continuation from the page]
Few good things are to be said about the Slytk'ch, for where they build a nest, doom and suffering are soon to follow. Only the hardiest of settlements manage to withstand their persistent attacks, and only the most careful and manipulative manage to calm the beasts enough to permit (un)safe passage through their territory. Further reading: [> Potions, Aprodisiac type 3 || > Defensive Spells, Sexual Aura Dampening]
Of special notes are the females. Hulking at three times the size of the males they are easily made out from a distance. Vicious, muscular as well as lazy, they rely on males to provide them with meat, even though they are formidable hunters and lethal opponents on their own. Owing to their huge size, at least two males are required to ejaculate into a female at the same time to properly inseminate her. Pairings of 3 males have been observed to cooperate if permitted to mate. The males express unusually large genitalia, likely adaptations to the breeding requirements.
Their semen has high potency and is a sought-after ingredient in many potions and poisons. Bewarned, for neither males nor females are picky - should they be in heat [practically always the case for the male gender], any traveller, be it man, woman, beast or demon, will find the aggressive sexual advances of either Slytk'ch gender difficult to deflect.
Handwritten note: by the makers, playing dead does not work! My bottom! AAAAHHHRHGHGhghhh
>w> Yes well, I felt like doing something a bit darker. Plus those high contrast red things always look interesting :D So thar you go! Perhaps I shall add some more things to that supposed almanach ;D
Freely provided by Todex, the artist himself, at:
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