Collection "The masters of Historietas". ("Historietas", lit. "Little stories" i.e. comics)
Re-translated in italian and republished series of "Cybersix" stories.
Text : Carlos Trillo Art & Cover : Carlos Meglia
Several short stories.
1 - La finestra sul cortile. Seconda parte (The window looking the courtyard. Second part) 2 - Lenny e Sharon (Lenny and Sharon) 3 - Banca rotta (Bank rupture) [N.d.T.] There is a play on words here: "Bancarotta" is "Bankruptcy" if written all together; hoever, writing separately "banca rotta" literally means "broken bank". Ive tried to keep the flavour of the wordgame in english ... probably not really succeeding. Apologies ;)
4 - Lunedì a mezzanotte (Monday midnight) 5 - Doktor Krumens 6 - I nuovi Helmut (The new Helmuts) 7 - Il ritorno di Herr Doktor (Herr Doktor comeback) 8 - Power Max 9 - Poche ore all'alba (Few hours to sunrise) 10 - L'inganno (The trick) 11 - Il racconto di Power Max (Power Max storytelling) 12 - L'appuntamento mancato (The missed date) 13 - L'attesa (The waiting) 14 - La morte di Power Max (Power Max's death) 15 - Il tic nervoso (Facial tic) 16 - Le cose da salvare (Things to be saved) 17 - La domenica a Meridiana, prima parte (Sunday in Meridiana, first part)