Base +6, randomthe +6, Raiya95 +5, Showdao +6, t-kenka +6, subbesnubben +6, The Archivist -9, c00p +6, darkwing42 +40, Sutra +10, AK504 +3
Base +6, Raiya95 +5, Leverist +6, rulltarta +6, t-kenka +6, buiscuts7217 +8, Knipol +6, bakabitch +6, NovalisZero +6, MorlanV +6, Paizurikin +11, Grimmomega +6, akx69 +1, and 69 more...
Base +1, Raiya95 +5, darkpenetrator69 -3, The Archivist -9, c00p +6, Salenzio +6
Posted on 17 March 2020, 08:17 by:
mayi.123 Score
Base +6, darkpenetrator69 -3, The Archivist -9, c00p +6, Tana Qud -6, guaxia8 +4, Ithonix -6
Base +1, darkpenetrator69 -3, subaiquan +3, The Archivist -9, c00p +6, guaxia8 +4, Ithonix -6
Posted on 17 March 2020, 14:53 by:
GleamTwo Score
Base +3, MorlanV -6, Paizurikin +11, wonderbread08 +6, subbesnubben +6, PepperoniFloyd +1, Joabos +6, The Archivist -9, c00p +6, BungeeLove +7, BigOOFF +5, Sutra +10, AK504 +3, and 2 more...
Posted on 07 July 2020, 22:38 by:
anon13 Score
Base +10, darkpenetrator69 +3, squashmonkey +5, oggebogge +6, PepperoniFloyd +1, DragginFly -6, Sanosuke223 +8, Joabos -6, The Archivist -9, vaelen2001 +6, c00p +6, BigOOFF +5, Sutra -10, and 9 more...
Base +6, ivory7777 +6, bakabitch +6, squashmonkey +5, oggebogge -6, Chormdagger +6, PepperoniFloyd +1, DragginFly -6, Sanosuke223 +8, Joabos -6, The Archivist +9, Shikat +6, vaelen2001 +6, and 14 more...
Posted on 20 August 2020, 12:26 by:
Saka18 Score
Base +6, The Archivist -9, c00p +6, guaxia8 +4
Posted on 23 August 2020, 06:37 by:
Poroo Score
Base +2, TheSpiralBear +6, oggebogge +6, Rahien +7, Sanosuke223 -8, The Archivist -9, c00p +6, Shaky Deal +9, BungeeLove -7, Badmohcine73 +7, Sutra +10, AK504 +3, incogna777 +9
Posted on 23 August 2020, 08:15 by:
Janice_Em Score
Base +6, TheSpiralBear +6, PepperoniFloyd +1, Sanosuke223 +8, The Archivist -9, c00p +6, AK504 -3
Base +6, The Archivist -9, c00p +6
Base +10, oggebogge -6, Chormdagger +6, PepperoniFloyd +1, DragginFly -6, bakabitch +6, asdasd135 +6, Sanosuke223 +8, resurrective +8, Joabos -6, The Archivist +9, vaelen2001 +6, 4n0n1m3 +4, and 15 more...
Posted on 10 September 2020, 03:54 by:
Mmmutant Score
Base +6, PepperoniFloyd +1, Joabos -6, The Archivist -9, c00p +6, Sutra +10, AK504 -3
Base +6, Sutra +10, AK504 +3
Posted on 14 September 2020, 23:28 by:
omomon Score
Base +6, Joabos -6, The Archivist +9, Und3adgam3r -7, Raiya95 -6, Sutra -10, AK504 +3, wog555 -9, Redrider -6, Vadginator +7, Sanosuke223 +9, somerandomdude33 +19, MegaDarkJermaNeo +10, and 1 more...
Posted on 15 October 2020, 22:14 by:
Tombot Score
Base +6, The Archivist +9, Shikat +6, 4n0n1m3 +4, c00p -6, anon120498 +7, Densuke +7, Sanosuke223 +9, BigOOFF +5, Sutra -10, AK504 -3, TuzOfSpades +6, Vadginator +7, and 7 more...
Posted on 03 November 2020, 01:09 by:
Vorsaken Score
Base +7, c00p +6, anon120498 +7, AK504 +3, BigOOFF +5, Limited -8, Finseth -7, anon0322 -6, Sanosuke223 -9, somerandomdude33 +19, Golo13 +6
Base +6, Xentos +6, vaelen2001 +6, Capuchuu -7, Shemmy +6, c00p -6, AlexanderAkai -6, Und3adgam3r -7, cuicui472 -9, Raiya95 -6, Sutra -10, AK504 -3, wog555 -9, and 3 more...
Last edited on 02 January 2021, 04:59.
Base +6, Capuchuu -7, c00p -6, blargslarp +8, AlexanderAkai -6, Sanosuke223 -8, Und3adgam3r -7, darkwing42 -30, TDU01 +9, Raiya95 -6, Sutra -10, AK504 -3, The Shortest Path -6
Base +17, AlexanderAkai +6, cuicui472 -9, Raiya95 +6, Sutra +10, AK504 -3, B.J.izzle +6, TuzOfSpades -6, Doutey -10, Kashiio -6, anon0322 -6, Joabos +6, Golo13 +6, and 2 more...
Posted on 13 February 2021, 05:20 by:
Fortes Score
Base +7, Grimmomega +6, Raiya95 -6, AK504 -3, somerandomdude33 +19, Golo13 +6
Posted on 21 February 2021, 07:41 by:
怠惰司教 Score
Base +6
Posted on 24 February 2021, 03:30 by:
kieyzo Score
Base +7, Sutra +10, AK504 +3, Golo13 +6
Posted on 25 February 2021, 12:05 by:
Rair Score
Base +7, Xentos +6, methodman961 -11, cuicui472 -9, vaelen2001 +6, Raiya95 -6, Sutra -10, AK504 -3, wog555 -9, Redrider -6, nozuonodead -13, 01Anon -5, The Shortest Path -6, and 1 more...
Posted on 28 February 2021, 13:37 by:
dysk Score
Base +6, Sutra +10, AK504 +3
Base +6, Sanosuke223 +9, Betsujin +6, Sutra +10, AK504 +3, PepperoniFloyd +4, TommyTime +6, Limited +8, Golo13 +6
Posted on 07 April 2021, 09:46 by:
FaSey Score
Base +6, AK504 +3, PepperoniFloyd +4
Base +15, Sutra +10, AK504 +3, PepperoniFloyd +4
Posted on 15 April 2021, 19:08 by:
3dsex01 Score
Base +6, Linkbrugge -4, Raiya95 -6, iihinil -9, Sutra -10, AK504 -3, wog555 -9, Sanosuke223 -9, Redrider -6, WildMacker -7
Posted on 04 May 2021, 06:15 by:
tonyxxx Score
Base +7, iihinil +9, AK504 +3, Sanosuke223 +9, PepperoniFloyd +4
Base +8, PepperoniFloyd +4, Glibitz +6
Base +6, nozuonodead -13, 旋律之天神 +6, baldrski +6, tsunami tank +6
Base +6, PepperoniFloyd +4, TiberNation +6, xgame4 +6
Base +8, Court311 +6, Boya +7, Unwanted Miles +5
Base +6, Vadginator +7, Devonation +6
Base +6, Vadginator +7, fappychubb +6, somerandomdude33 +19
Posted on 08 November 2021, 02:37 by:
rozemakin Score
Base +7, Knipol +6
Posted on 28 February 2022, 13:38 by:
CyberDeus Score
Base +6
Base +7, ch3rry -6, Tazerx -7, blararag -6, OogaChaka -6, Sanosuke223 +9, freestonee +6, Unwanted Miles -5, somerandomdude33 -19, The Shortest Path -6, Dezy Mario -6, NevskyDrift +20
Posted on 04 June 2022, 04:10 by:
3dsex01 Score
Base +6, Sanosuke223 +9, 狼的白银十六 +6, somerandomdude33 +19
Posted on 13 November 2022, 08:15 by:
爱乳人者 Score
Base +2
Posted on 16 November 2022, 15:33 by:
faresryan Score
Base +6
Posted on 29 January 2023, 18:51 by:
anjealous Score
Base +6