Another day, another work pulled from upload purgatory. This CG set is from a RPGMaker game created by the group Pe-B4, published in August 2021. The main fetish involved is 'ignored-existence'. The scenario in the game is that your character cannot be perceived by the people around him, so he uses this ability to travel through parallel worlds and rape different women.
[Game Review:] The game is split into six different worlds/levels, each one featuring one of the girls above. Each girl is drawn by a different artist to basically represent how different each world is. The settings are a mix of modern day, fantasy, or something in-between. Aside from the CGs above and a bunch of dialogue (that I can't read), there really isn't much else the game has in terms of 'content'. As you can see above, each girl has basically only one CG, and the game was really underwhelming as a whole for the price its at. The game also ends abruptly on a fail screen due to a missing PNG file. If you want to play it for yourself, I can try sharing in on, but I really wouldn't recommend playing the game either way. I kinda want this gallery to serve as a warning against purchasing this game, so rating it a low star should be appropriate.
TL;DR 4/10. Don't buy this game, it's not particularly good. Give this gallery a low rating as a warning.