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[Kannel] Brand New World

Posted:2023-02-01 03:43
File Size:50.87 MiB
Length:51 pages
Favorited:516 times
Average: 4.07

Showing 1 - 40 of 51 images

Posted on 01 February 2023, 03:45 by:   The Goat is Watching    PM
Score +69
Oh god, I remember this.

"We still wear slave collars, and we're still property, but now we're happy about it for some reason."
Posted on 01 February 2023, 05:52 by:   SkookRD    PM
Score +55
Aye I remember that one, too.

Ending came off bad to me. This whole "tee-hee! I'm sho happy to be a slave!" thing. Sure it goes to great length to show she's now loved and shit, but hey, the brainwashing bit at the beginning? Yeah.

Still, Kannel has great art and apart from that? This is still one the best GB content out there. Nothing's perfect so aye, I'll take it.

Much better than the usual "took a dick now I'm a turboslut lolol".
Posted on 01 February 2023, 06:22 by:   Grey_Ghost    PM
Score +87
The art is good, but the story is weird in how it treats this as a happy ending. It gives the impression of Stockholm Syndrome that is only accepted because the other options were dying of a terminal disease or dying in a radioactive wasteland. The time travel is unnecessary and just makes the plot and ending even more nonsensical. That the aliens are actually Future Humans that couldn't change the past or save Past Humanity except for a few suggests this is all a long term stable time loop that's repeating forever... which seems even more dark than just Stockholm Syndrome sex/breeding slaves.

Also, why did Kannel censor male genitals, but not female genitals, in earlier works? More recent stuff doesn't do that. Nearly every panel either uses angles or objects to cover up bare dicks, though Chapter 1, Page 9 is hilariously conspicuous because it uses what appears be lens glare that was not present in the previous panel where a pillow was used to censor at the same angle.
Posted on 01 February 2023, 06:36 by:   立白    PM
Score +7
7 years ago, again see 👍
Posted on 01 February 2023, 09:08 by:   Chroomsh33    PM
Score +36
I've read this comic a while back. On its own it's pretty messed up when you take it at face value. But when you consider the extinction of the entire human race it's... Yea it's still pretty messed up. The alien race evidently "tried" to make sure humans didn't commit mass destruction. But even if they had the best intentions that still doesn't make you feel any less annoyed at how they treat humans. There's to much going on for me to have a nice JO session. This is trying to cross the narrative barrier of porn whilst trying to remain porn. And that's the problem.

Overall, focus on the fetishes I guess. If the story actually did that instead of trying to instill some sort of moral narrative I would have been a lot better off. Instead you're left with a sort of empty gut feeling because kannel tried to give the readers some sort of moral quarrel to consider. Which in a traditional sci-fi story it would have worked out ok. In a comic that's meant to elicit jack off material, that's entirely boner killer for most. I guess there's an audience for this sort of complexity in porn, but holy hell it's not the majority by my estimate. For me personally, I just find the story really sad and can't read it to enjoy myself to actually commit to the porn side of it. I just don't find nuanced slavery dialog of a dyeing race to be that attractive.

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