not only is this your usual MTLing but for some reason you also went ham with the rewrites in this chapter
007 OG: ここは広いけど一本道だから道なりに行けばお仲間と合流できるし脱出もできれよお TL: "This place is big, but there are two paths, so if you follow the right path, you can find your friends and get out of here~" ED: how'd you get 2 paths? she's literally saying there's a single straight path
018 OG: ざぁ~こ TL: "Good girl~" ED: calling her weak
019 OG: へぇ… TL: "He He He" ED: this isn't a laugh
OG: もともと母乳体質なんだね〜 TL: "Wow your body was modified to release breast milk~" ED: she's saying the exact opposite. she's genetically predisposed to lactating
OG: ぶ・ざ・ま TL: "This so called 「knight」 is pa-the-tic" ED: she's just calling her disgraceful
030 OG: …でもこんなカッコしてると〜 TL: "But we need to have a talk...When you're dressed like this~" ED: just talking about her appearance and figure in general. also the first half is made up
034 OG: ゼリーを入れてた時間が長すぎたかな〜? TL: "Wow look at you~ Maybe I put too much jelly in or did I leave it in for too long~...?" ED: she's only wondering if she left the jelly in too long
041 OG: もう諦め… TL: "Ready to submit?" ED: wrong speaker
046 OG: それだけは TL: "My ass leaking..." ED: she's just in the middle of saying how [cumming] is the only thing she doesn't want to do
OG: …仕方ないなぁ… TL: "Wow you are so hot, guess I have no choice..." ED: the first half is made up
047 OG: トイレじゃないけど TL: "It's not a toilet but that won't stop you~" ED: the second half is made up
OG: その場で出すよりはマシでしょ〜? TL: "My loser will sit on it, okay? She does not want to make me angry, right~?" ED: she's saying it's still better to cum in that thing than cumming on the spot
OG: …もしかして恥ずかしいの? TL: "Are you ashamed? That's stupid, we both know..." ED: the second half is made up
OG: いまさら? TL: "That my loser is a dirty slut~" ED: she's just commenting on how amusing it is to be ashamed at this point after all she's been subjected to
OG: でも、早くしたほうがいいよ〜 TL: "But you'd better hurry up, if you take too long and make a mess on the floor~" ED: the second half is made up
OG: もたもたしてると〜 TL: "I will punish loser worse than you've seen so far~" ED: entire line is made up, "If you're too slow..."
048 OG: おそわれちゃうよ〜っ TL: "Poor loser, this must be like living through a bad dream for you~" ED: she's saying she'll be tormented/haunted for taking too long
049 OG: 意地悪でえっちな私たちがあなたのお願いを素直に聞くと思った? TL: "Did my loser think I would take requests from her? Foolish girl you are mine and will do and accept whatever I want~" ED: "Did you think someone as malicious and perverted as I would obediently hear out your requests?" entire second half is made up