004 OG: よっわ… TL: "Wow...!" ED: she's talking about how weak the opponent was
011 OG: いきなり拘束されたりオモチャ使われたリしたらびっくりするよね… TL: "It would be a surprise if someone was restrained or had toys used on them..." ED: she's saying it would be a surprise to anyone if ...
OG: なんともないけど TL: "What is her deal..." ED: after seeing the crest she's reassuring herself
013 OG: こんな奴まともに相手にしてらんない! TL: "I have to take her seriously!" ED: she's saying she doesn't want to deal with this kinda person
014 OG: びっくりした? TL: "Amazing, right?" ED: she's asking if she was surprised
015 OG: じゅわ TL: "Oh my God" ED: this is just wet sfx
021 OG: しつ…こい… TL: "You are so...dirty" ED: she's commenting on her persistence
028 OG: イッたてば TL: "I want to cum" ED: she's saying she just came
032 OG: 私 こんな体質でいつもぞんざいに扱われるから… TL: "I'm always treated roughly because of my condition..." ED: "condition" probably isn't the word you're looking for here
037 OG: なにをいきな… TL: "What are you talking about" ED: missing detail, abruptness of the request
038 OG: したくないのに… TL: "I don't want to do this..." ED: missing conjunction
039 OG: クリ好きなアナタにワームの幼体をあげる♥ TL: "I'll lend you this juvenile worm, it loves clits" ED: she's not talking about the worm being the one that loves clits lol
OG: ひぎ… TL: "I..." ED: this is a grunt
043 OG: 付き合ってられるかっての TL: "I don't have time for this" ED: interesting (loose) way to TL this line considering how you/MTL did it the first time
044 OG: バリアの解除方法は絶対このボタンだよね…同時押し…かな? TL: "I bet these buttons will remove the barrier" ED: you completely cut out her considering pressing them at the same time