Series = Vocaloid Character = UNOFFICIAL Miku Hatsune - Harness Choker (artist꞉ rurudo)
Cosplayer went and bought this cosplay costume: https://www.*****.com/list/item/651263980695.htm?spm=a21wu.10013406.taglist-content.3.626615996TUNYy ***** = tao-bao (remove the -)
The listing named it 初音酱 or Hatsune Sauce: 预售悠窝窝Uwowo 初音酱cosplay服装女双马尾礼服内衣萝莉手办 Pre-sale Uwowo Hatsune sauce cosplay costume women's double ponytail dress underwear loli hand-made
And the artwork it is based off of is from the artist rurudo: Comments that rurudo made: 吸血鬼ちゃんのご飯のハツネちゃんです。 This is Hatsune-chan from Vampire-chan's rice.