You could still read it though, if you can draw out all the lines between the horrible grammar errors and a few spelling mistakes. Reason being is that the story is actually kind of nice, there are interesting opinions, and the ending which, for once, isn't much of a disappointment.
The gender bend in this one made it very difficult to look at the main character without thinking of the way he was before he became a she; however, the story gets interesting and compelling to read as the second volume comes by.
The bend is probably the only reason you would be turned off by this. If you don't mind the underlying homosexuality the main character is commiting intensely screwing just about every guy in this series then you just may come buckets for him/her considering how many scenes are concentrated on him/her and how surprisingly well drawn they are.
Both my weird perverted side and my history interest side clash when I find it fascinating to go this far back in e-hentai archives and see "2007". Wow, people were wanking off to this in 2007 I think. Gotta be one of the most niche trains of thoughts out there.
Base +3, Der Fuhrer +9, ensane +9, Vulkandrache +6, lockeg +6